Friends with Benefits

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With the title at hand I think you know what's about to happen. This is the first time I've done this with my own characters. It's my first time and I know I didn't do this good either. There's your warning...yeah.

Daiko (Night): Zzz... *starts to wake up to see he was spooning Jakuna* ?! *quickly seperates with a blush on his face* What the hell?!

Jakuna (PKI): Mmm...? *sits up and stretches as she yawns*

? *sits up and stretches as she yawns*

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Jakuna (PKI): Hm... *opens her eyes to see Daiko* What's wrong with you?

Daiko (Night): I-I uhh... *shakes his head to refocus* Nothing.

Jakuna (PKI): Ok...? *gets out of bed as she puts her hair up into a ponytail and gets dressed* I'll give you the room to get dressed. Maybe into something more casual? You don't always have to wear your battle clothes, but that's just me. *walks out of the room*

Daiko (Night): *blinks a bit*


Daika (Night): Today we get a break?

Jakuna (PKI): Yeah...I figure since we did a lot the past few days.

Daika (Night): That's perfect! I'm gonna take the others for a girls night out.

Jakuna (PKI): It's the middle of the day.

Daika (Night): Trust me, we're going places tonight. You should join us.

Jakuna (PKI): Hard pass. I might go home to check on something later on. Go do your...thing.

Daika (Night): Okay, we'll be leaving. Let's go!

Celera: Yay!

Okra (Night): *nods and smiles as the three left*

Jakuna (PKI): ... *sighs as she becomes more relaxed* Peace and quiet. ? *remembers the blush on Daiko's face* ... *smiles* Maybe even a little fun with Daiko~

Daiko (Night): *whistles as he looks around* Hm? Where's Daika and the other girls?

Jakuna (PKI): Them? They went to a girls night thing I dunno. *shrugs*

Daiko (Night): Really? Huh, why didn't you go?

Jakuna (PKI): I may be staying here for a bit, but I am not doing anything like that while I'm here. Besides, I thought of something else to do.

Daiko (Night): Alright then...I'll be working in my lab then.

Jakuna (PKI): Work? Daiko, give yourself a break. It's important to take a break from time to time. It helps so you won't burn out. Even I relax. C'mon *motions her hand towards her so Daiko can come over*

Daiko (Night): Oh...ok...?

Jakuna (PKI): Good.


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