Beginning of the end

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Daikorra: Wow! I shouldn't have underestimated you. *kicks her legs up as she pushes the ground to jump up and land on her feet* How does a reward sound?

Akumo: Hold on, can you even use it?

Daikorra: I have no idea. *powers up as she goes dark*

Darkorra: What the—? *looks at her hands* It worked? *grins at Akumo W*

Akumo (Wild): *growls as he powers up*

[With the others]

Daiko: What are we going to do?!

Jakuna (PKI): Calm down, I'm...twenty percent sure they can handle themselves.

Daiko: ...ahh!! *gets slapped* Oww

Jakuna (PKI): Ugh...look, we'll just come up with something before one or the other kill themselves.

Daiko (DB): Hmm... *looks at his own hair and looked at the original's* ...well, there's one idea I came up with.

Daiko: What is it?

Daiko (DB): ...strip.

Daiko: ...what?

Daiko (DB): We're going to switch clothes as I turn my hair black.

Jakuna (PKI): ...

Daiko (DB): I's dumb.

Daiko: Wait, I have a better one.

Jakuna (PKI): Don't tell me your disguising yourself.

Daiko: Nope! Only one person can stop Akumo while one can only stop my family.

Daiko (DB): And what would that be?

[Back to OG]

Darkorra: C'mon! I know you can do better than that!

Akumo (Wild): Are all fusions this annoying? *pulls out his blade as he slashes at her*

Darkorra: Woah! *dodges the blade as she backs up and forms her own ki blades and slashes at him*

They both flew up into the air as she flew all over the places striking each other. They punch each other's face as they got launched away in different directions. They power up to their fullest as they charged at each other with blades ready to slice the other.


Akumo (Wild): ?! *stops himself*
Darkorra: ?! *stops herself*

Jakuna (PKI): *looks down on Akumo* Put the blade away.

Daiko: Please?

Daikorra: Daiko, what are you doing? I was just about to get rid of him.

Jakuna (PKI): *sighs* We are sparing them. You're done here.

Akumo (Wild): What? But what's the reason—?

Jakuna (PKI): Are you questioning me?

Akumo (Wild):

Jakuna (PKI): Then return, I'll stay here.

Akumo (Wild): *opens a portal and walks through*

Daikorra: *pushes Daiko aside* What are you doing? Spare us? That's nothing like you.

Jakuna (PKI): I understand how you feel, but it's better to say it when my new mission is complete. There are people hurt right?

Daikorra: Yeah? Are you going to—?

Jakuna (PKI): *waves* Alright, then they don't have to fight me anymore.

Daiko: I know this is confusing but I can assure you that she changed her mind about this...for some reason. Huh?

Drawings and Stuff 2Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ