The first wish

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Daika (Night): There, she should be ok when she walks out of there on her own. *sits in a chair*

Daiko (Night): ...

Daika (Night): Hm? Daiko, you don't want to sit down?

Daiko (Night): Hm? Oh...sorry. *sits across from her*

Daika (Night):'re bothered by something, aren't you?

Daiko (Night): ...

Daika (Night): Well don't be shy. Tell me what's wrong while we have the time to talk.

Daiko (Night): How's living here? On your own.

Daika (Night): I get by. I may be alone but someone does visit me every now and then to make sure I'm okay.

Daiko (Night): You mean...a boyfriend?

Daika (Night): *blushes lightly and scratches the back of her head* Well...yeah. He's the only reason I haven't I used to be. He makes me feel like there's still something to live for.

Daiko (Night): *smiles softly* ... *his smile dies down*

Daika (Night): What's wrong?

Daiko (Night): It's...well...I used to...have someone. She was the mother of Okra. She helped me out when I lost...we split apart for some time and she had her. I couldn't sense her energy anymore and took that as a sign that I lost someone close to me again. *sighs*

Daika (Night): Oh...well, look on the bright side. You have a daughter and two friends, and the other versions of us and the others. Not only do you do it for them, you do it for yourself as well.

Daiko (Night): Thank you, Daika.

[With the evil Saiyans]

Jakuna (PKI): *stretches and flexes her arm* Smart of you to go to Namek and wish my arm back. And thank you for finding the rest.

Akumo (Wild): You never told me this, what are you going to wish for?

Jakuna (PKI): You'll see. Even though you're already here I have to say it. *clears her throat as she speaks the language of gods to "summon" Daiko*

The ground shakes as the dragon balls grow as large as planets and Daiko grows in size as well floating above the two.

Daiko (DB): *his eyes glow red as he grows in size and floats up in the air* I am Daiko, I shall grant any wish you decide to make.

Akumo (Wild): He's moving!

Jakuna (PKI): *draws her sword and points it at him*

Daiko (DB): *hovered in place as he waited patiently for a wish to be made*

Akumo (Wild): Oh...he's just...staying still.

Jakuna (PKI): Good. *smirks* I wish...

Oh no

[Back with everyone else]

Jakuna (GT): *steps out as she can move again* Wow, that stuff works.

Daika (Night): ... *smiles* I'm glad you're okay.

Daikorrel (Xeno): Wait... *looks at the ground as it was fading away* !!

Sorra (Xeno): What's going on?

Daika (Xeno): This timeline is falling apart. We must leave quickly!

Daikorrel (Xeno): *kicks a door down as he grabs Jakuna, and both nights*

Daika (Night): W-What's going on?

Daikorrel (Xeno): No time to explain! We have to leave, now! *joins with everyone else and looks at Daika Night* I'm...sorry...

Daika (Night): Huh?

Daikorrel (Xeno): *teleports everyone into the Xenoverse house* That was close.

Daika (Night): Can anyone tell me what's going on?

Sorra (Xeno): You're's...

Daika (Xeno): Gone...

Daika (Night):'re j-joking right? I can just go back to it. *presses on her device*


Daika (Night): What? *clicks*


Daika (Night): C'mon work! *clicks*

Timeline not found!

Daika (Night): *continues to click*

Daiko (Night): Daika...Daika! *shakes her*

Daika (Night): I need to go back!

Daiko (Night): Daika! It's gone! It's gone...

Daika (Night): N-No! It's not gone...! I-It's not...gone... *buried her face into his chest and holds him tightly*

Daiko (Night): *hugs her and pets her head*

[Back to back]

Daiko (DB): *flies up into the air with the dragon balls as they flew in different directions and shrink* ... *drops to the floor*

Jakuna (PKI): And now to freeze you again—?!

Daiko (DB): *dashes to her as he held her up in the air* You...! Did not just make me do that!! *his hair goes dark and his eyes purple and his staff turns black with a blade at the end*

Akumo (Wild): *powers up and rushes over to him*

Daiko (DB): *spins his staff and throws it towards Akumo*

Akumo (Wild): *goes through his chest* ACK!!

Jakuna (PKI): *powers up as she gets out of his grasp and freezes him*

Daiko (DB): *walks forward before freezing in place* Tch! Damn it!!

Jakuna (PKI): *rubs her neck* Ow...

Akumo (Wild): *takes the staff out as it immediately returned to Daiko*

Jakuna (PKI): Get in the machine. I'll be waiting...

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