Okra's Visit Pt.2

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Okra: *drops into another timeline* This whole thing seems...strangely convenient. And it's recharging again. Who lives here now?

Daiko (GT): *lands on the ground and begins to walk* Finally done with work.

Okra: *hides behind a boulder*

Daiko (GT): You know, you would think I would fly back home straight from work, but I enjoy this view on my way home. Although this is that time someone... *looks around for someone* Hmm...

Okra: ...

Daiko (GT): Hello?

Okra: ! *punches his face*

Daiko (GT): Oh crap— *crashes on the ground* Ow...I'll give you an a for effort to try and hide from me... *stands up* Speaking of which, who are you? And are you here to kill me?

Okra: Why doesn't my own father know me? Is he younger...? I'm Okra.

Daiko (GT): That sounds familiar. I'm Daiko, do you live near here?

Okra: I'm from...another timeline.

Daiko (GT): Timeline huh? Well, I guess you can stay at my place until you can get home.

Okra: Ok.


Daiko (GT): I'm home.

Daika (GT): Welcome back. Who's this?

Daiko (GT): This is Okra. Like the other one but has two working eyes.

Okra: What?

Sorra (GT): Oh! Nice to meet you Okra.

Okra: Hello...aunt Sorra.

Sorra (GT): Huh? Aunt?

Daiko (GT): Oh, right, your father is another me right?

Okra: *nods* Yes, that's correct. I'm guessing no one else knew that?

Sorrel (GT): No, it's just that we kinda forgot about that.

Okra: There's another me?

Jakuna (GT): As there is another me.

Okra: ! *turns to see Jakuna GT)* You look like the white haired one I saw.

Jakuna (GT): Just get me a ponytail and there you have it. So why are you here?

Okra: This thing is not working too well so I have to wait for it so I can go back home.

Jakuna (GT): How long does it take?

Okra: A few hours. *device gets taken away* Huh?

Kumara (GT): Let us have a look at it sweety. I'm sure me and Kohl can fix this thing for ya.

Okra: Oh, thank you. *bows*

Jakuna (GT): Hmm...come outside with me. *walks out*

Okra: ? *follows her outside*

Daika (GT): Good luck Okra. *closes door*

Okra: What? *turns towards Jakuna as she saw a fist before flying up in the air*

Jakuna (GT): Let me test something out. *catches up to her as she sent a kick towards her*

Okra: *gets launched before she shakes her head and stops herself before powering up and charging at her*

Jakuna had her arms crossed as she was now up to Okra's level. Okra sent multiple punches towards Jakuna. Jakuna tanks all the punches before flicking her nose. Okra huffs before going super saiyan at full power. Jakuna stood still as Okra began to throw kicks around Jakuna. Jakuna's tail blocked all the kicks before grabbing her leg and throwing her away.

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