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Daiko: Finally done with work! Let's go home bro.

Sorrel: Yeah...I'll be right there. I need some time to myself.

Daiko: ...ok. He's acted very strange since this morning...I'll try to talk to him...

[On their way home...]

Daiko: We have tomorrow off. Want to do anything for tomorrow?

Sorrel: I'll...think about it...

Daiko: ... *sighs as he stops walking*

Sorrel: Hm? What's wrong?

Daiko: Nothing just... *looks up in the sky* ... *looks at a hill with a tree* C'mon... *walks as he lays down on the grass*

Sorrel: ...? *lays next to him* What happened?

Daiko: *looks at the stars as a small smile grew on his face* Look up...the sky is beautiful tonight...

Sorrel: *looks up and sees the sky*'s nice...

Daiko: ...something troubles you...what is it you wish not to tell me? You can tell me anything...after all...we're brothers man.

Sorrel: *twitches* It's... *sighs* I had a dream...a horrible one.

Daiko: What was it about?

Sorrel: I don't know. Akumo was there on the ground as a hooded figure spoke to me but I couldn't understand it. It said... "I am...your..." and then I don't know what it said.

Daiko: Hm...your what...? Do you want to talk about this with the others?

Sorrel: Not yet.

Daiko: That's okay...Hm...that's odd...I saw that hooded figure was killing me. Well, do you want to head back now?

Sorrel: *looks up at the stars* I want to stay for a bit longer.

Daiko: *nods as he watches the stars as well* Ok...we'll stay.

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