You're Here?

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Kitty POV

It's almost midnight but I can't even sleep, coz someone is occupying my every thought, and I hate it.

My phone rings and rings, so I instantly answer it without even knowing who's calling.


"Finally you answered your phone, don't you know I'm worried that something bad happens to you? Your lights are still on right?" Minho asked me

"Yes, I'm still reading a book." I lied to him

"That's perfect." He said

"And why should it be perfect? You know what you should sleep."

"Before you sleep Covey, can you look out of the window first?"

Suddenly I heard a rock being thrown at my window. So I look outside to know, who's throwing at my window at this hour. But to my surprise, Minho is outside, waving at me.

"OMG, Minho what are you doing here?" Wait is it true or maybe I'm just hallucinating? But he waves again and smiles at me.

"Hi Kitty happy to see me? Can you please come down here? It's freezing out here if not I'll shout." He said happily

"Just stay quiet or else we will both be in trouble."

So here I am quietly tiptoeing down the stairs so that they won't wake up, plus Peter just arrive hours ago. He's like a super protective brother-in-law and I know that this will be a big issue for him. And of course, my father, stepmother, and sister will surely be hysterical about it.

I take each step nervously and use my phone light so that I can easily navigate my way to the door. And thanks God the door opens noiselessly. 

On the other side, Minho stands with a small carry-on luggage bag on the ground next to him.

“Oh, good! You figured out where your house's front door is, I was beginning to get worried. I thought you lost your way to the door." He said while smirking

He shouldn’t look good right? But, he does, which heightens the extreme annoyance I felt towards him to unparalleled levels, especially after he decided to show up at my house completely unannounced and in the middle of the night.

"You're here."

After saying that Minho, hugs me and said.

"I'm here because I really miss you, Covey. I'm afraid that you're still angry at me. So I did everything just to get here."

He releases me from the hug and smiles.

Then it hits me, why does my heart feels like this. Am I really falling for him?

Two Hearts Collide // XO Kitty (Kitty x Minho) Where stories live. Discover now