Welcome to the Future

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The plan had been for Dean to simply pop into the past, speak to Samuel Colt and hop back. Easy-Peasy, right? Unfortunately, this really didn't look like the right time period.. At all. Dean silently cursed Castiel and the angel's mojo.

This wasn't the first time that Dean Winchester had time-travelled but this was definitely unusual even for him. He peered around what looked like an underground parking lot in confusion. When Castiel had promised him time travel he'd expected an old rural setting where people rode on horse back and churned thy own butter, not whatever mess this was.

Several, what Dean assumed were, cars were parked in straight lines. They'd been easy enough to identity due to the windshield and wheels but they all seemed to be the same make and model. A nightmare for classic car loving Dean. Instead of different body shapes, they all appeared to be like oblong pods in various shades of white, grey or black. Despite having the underground feeling, it was pretty light as there were lights installed into the cement ceiling above.

The air definitely seemed futuristic to Dean, if that were even possible, even though there were a few aspects which seemed like they hadn't been changed or maybe it was perfect so they saw no need to change the design. The walls were clinically white with a black line painted down the surface once every two or so metres. The bright lights were beginning to make his head pound making Dean groan in frustration, he'd only been there a matter of minutes and this world was already beginning to attack him.

Mind set on getting out, Dean walked around the perimeter of the space, looking for doors or an elevator. There has to be a way out, the hunter thought desperately. He wanted out and hopefully sooner rather than later as a feeling of claustrophobia was starting to weigh down on his chest. All he hoped was to get out or for Cas to get his feather ass down here and zap him back home where he knew how to leave a room. He felt horribly akin to a trapped mouse.

A clear voice suddenly spoke, making Dean jump. He had no idea where the voice came from as there where no speakers visible in the room, "Evening, citizens. The time is now 7pm and sector 4 is now out of bounds. The government thank you for your cooperation." The voice was obviously a robot and automated to repeat the same thing every day. At least they spoke the same language or that'd make everything a lot harder.

It was mere moments later when there was a soft pinging noise and one of the black lines on the white wall opened to reveal an elevator behind it. Dean marvelled at the technology as he hadn't even been able to tell that there was anything behind the wall.

A tall man in a dark grey suit and brown shaggy hair stepped out. He was obviously fit and his broad shoulders only acted to make him look bigger. He sounded and looked exhausted. He slumped slightly as he walked and it looked as though his feet were heavy. Dean wanted to laugh, obviously things hadn't changed that much since his time.

The man spoke but Dean didn't know what to as he had no cellphone or Bluetooth device. He knew it was rude but he continued to eavesdrop anyway. He wasn't raised with manners anyway.

"Look, Tai..." The man stopped, obviously listening to Tai. A frown formed on his pretty features, "I'm gunna have to go in tomorrow then and get the Manual transmitter Cable..." Dean realised that it sounded like a pretty normal conversation as he wouldn't have understood the technology Jargon even if he were back home, "Well, I'll go when sector 4 re-connects.... No, they went to Gaple for the Straight Three Operator... Yeah well, whose fault was that? Exactly... You know-" The suited man suddenly froze when he saw Dean loitering in the car parking area, "Look, Tai, I'll have to DC you tomorrow... Okay? Bye."

Dean heard a quiet buzz which he assumed was the call being disconnected. The tall man seemed wary of Dean and for a second the hunter couldn't figure out why. That was until it suddenly dawned on him that his 21st century clothes probably didn't allow him to fit in. The man swallowed and took a step closer whilst his eyes shot to the black car-like vehicle which was closest to Dean. It almost seemed as though he was assessing the condition of the vehicle.

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