Chapter 13: OBJECTION

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First Class Trial (Part Three)

Nagito: "Well, what now? If the knife isn't the murder weapon, there's no definitive proof that I'm the killer."

Mahiru: "S-Shut up! We'll be the judge of that!"

Teruteru: "Y-You say you were shoved away, but... you can't actually prove it, right?"

Gundham: "That's right. Even if a different weapon was used, it does not mean Nagito has been cleared of suspicion!"

Mikan: "B-But... there's another reason why I don't think Nagito is the killer..."

Teruteru: "T-There's still more!?"

Mikan: "Based on what we've discussed... Byakuya was killed under the table, right?"

Sonia: "Is there something wrong with that?"

Mikan: "Well... even if that's true, I feel Nagito looks... you know... clean."

Nagito: "Nobody's ever complimented me on my appearance before! Not even my own mother!" Even if it's coming from him, you have to admit, that's pretty sad.

Mikan: "I-I'm not talking about your looks!" Clean is a weird way to describe someone, but in this case, it's appropriate. If Nagito did stab Byakuya, there's a key detail that must be present on Nagito's attire.

Hajime: "He didn't have any bloodstains on him during the party, after the party, or when he was investigating. That's what you wanted to say, right?"

Mikan: "Y-Yes! That's it! Because... under the table, there was a lot of blood splattered everywhere, right? There were even bloodstains on the inside of the tablecloth..."

Peko: "If he stabbed Byakuya to death, it's strange he did not get splattered with an appropriate amount of blood."

Nagito: "I didn't get any blood on me? That IS weird, heh."

Akane: "You just used something to block the blood, didn't ya!?"

Nagito: "Something that might've been used to block the blood splatter... I guess we did find something I could've used... isn't that right, Hajime?" There's only one thing he could've used to block the blood splatter... and it was found in the storage room.

Hajime: "You're talking about the bloodstained tablecloth we found in the storage room, right?"

Fuyuhiko: "If there are bloodstains on it, that settles it! Nagito used the tablecloth to block the blood splatter!"

Gundham: "But that was found in the storage room, right? Are you suggesting he hid it there after the murder?"

Nekomaru: "You mean after the lights came back on? What would he have done if we'd seen him?"

Hajime: "That's true... that tablecloth was pretty big, so even if you tried to hide it and take it with you..."

Nagito: "Wearing a tablecloth, going under the table, getting a knife in a blackout, and stabbing someone... that's not just impossible for someone like me, wouldn't it also be impossible for you guys too?"

Teruteru: "T-Then... what does it mean?"

Chiaki: "Maybe... the killer didn't necessarily stab Byakuya 'under' the table."

Hajime: 'Huh?'

Gundham: "No, there's no mistake that the murder occurred under that table."

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