Chapter 5: FREE TIME

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Even though things seemed a little down after finding no clues that led to the identity of the one who brought everyone to this island, it didn't stop Hajime from keeping his promise to Kazuichi. After retrieving a replica sword from the supermarket, Hajime made his way to the beach, where Kazuichi and Teruteru were waiting for him.

Kazuichi: "Oh, here he comes! I was waiting for ya, Hajime!"

Teruteru: "Geez, making me wait like that, you're such a naughty little kitten."

Hajime: "Huh? You're here too, Teruteru?"

Teruteru: "To be able to taste the natural flavour of a freshly picked coconut, I can't pass that up. I spent most of my time in Aoyama and Azabu, so this is something I rarely get to experience. My curiosity as a chef has stimulated me!"

Kazuichi: "Who cares!? Come on, this is the coconut we were looking for." He was actually holding a massive coconut in his hands, Kazuichi must've retrieved it from one of the palm trees before Teruteru and Hajime arrived.

Hajime: "Oh, it's pretty big."

Teruteru: "Yeah, I'm sure it's got loads of juice inside of it. How are you going to split it open?"

Kazuichi: "Huh? Well, Hajime's gonna split it in half with that replica sword of his."

Hajime: "Hold on, if I try to split it open, I might spill the juice all over the place."

Kazuichi: "...Teruteru, do you already know? You split these when you cook them, right?"

Teruteru: "N-No, I don't use such a barbaric cooking technique. My style is to use a sensitive, delicate touch, no matter who or what I'm handling. How about it? Care for a taste?"

Ibuki: "EW!!! I've got a gaggle of goosebumps all over my skin!"

Kazuichi: "AAAHHH!!!"

Hajime: "I-Ibuki? When did you..."

Ibuki: "I just got here. I was holding hands with Peko and going for a walk when I saw you guys."

Peko: "We weren't holding hands."

Teruteru: "Hmm, yes, I see it! A moisty lily, glistening with morning dew, blooming vibrantly on a tropical island. I'm pretty sure when the sun goes down, Ms Peko is the one who frolics in Ms Ibuki's lily field at night."

Peko: "Don't fantasize about weird things." His perversion was really giving everyone the goosebumps, it's just like Ibuki said. "More importantly, what are you three huddled around for?"

Kazuichi: "Well, actually, we really want to split open this coconut so we can drink the juice inside of it."

Peko: "I see... Hajime, let me borrow that replica sword of yours."

Hajime: "O-Okay."

Teruteru: "That can be dirty too, if you think about it."

Ibuki: "Ew! Quit being gross!"

Peko: "Ibuki, if it's not too much trouble, could you please rotate the coconut as it's facing up?"

Ibuki: "Roger dodger! You're totally into this, aren't you, Peko!?"

Kazuichi: "Hey, hey! If you split it open like that, the juice won't just spill out, it'll splatter all over us!"

Teruteru: "Ooh, fresh coconut lotion? Would it be better if I took off my clothes first?"

Peko: "I wouldn't make such a mistake, all you need to do is be ready to catch what is about to fall."

Ibuki: "So cool! I might fall in love with those quiet words of yours! Now then, here I come! Ready, set... AAHH!!! Now I've done it, it fell out of my hands! More to the right, the hand you receive change with! Oh, but it'd be the other hand if you're holding a purse!"

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