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Investigation of the First Case (First Half)

Sonia: "Bya...kuya? W-Why is Byakuya..." Everyone was stunned, the body of their classmate and leader was laying under the table. Some people looked like they were about to throw up, while others were so shocked that no words could be said. All they wanted was to have a party and enjoy themselves, and even without Monokuma here to ruin things... despair was able to make itself known.

Mahiru: "N-No... NOOOOO!!!" They just stood there, horrified, as showers of screams rang out behind Hajime... as he gazed at the body of his former friend. "W-Why!?"

Nekomaru: "WHAT IS THIS!!!?"

Teruteru: "AAAAAHHHHH!!!"

Kazuichi: "T-This... it's impossible! Don't mess with me! This must be some kind of mistake!"

Ibuki: "This... can't be real blood, right? It's gotta be something like jam or something. Because... if not, t-this..." This was too much for them, they all would've ran out of the old building if a certain black and white bear didn't pop up out of nowhere.

Monokuma: "Good gracious, things quickly took a turn for the worst. My, my, now this is interesting! On this tropical paradise known as Jabberwock Island, the very first murder has finally taken place!"

Hajime: "M-Murder?"

Nagito: "H-Hold on! Then, does this mean..."

Monokuma: "Puhuhu... of course. Byakuya... was killed by one of you."

Hajime: "What!?"

Monokuma: "If you look at the body, you can tell instantly. He was obviously murdered. Look, he has such a horrible expression on his face, don't you think? A face filled with regret that his life was ended by force, all thanks to someone else's selfish desires. To have a dying face such as this, if this isn't murder, then what the heck could it be? Byakuya was most likely sacrificed... by someone who really wanted to leave this island."

Hajime: "L-Lies... it's all lies! You're lying that he was murdered!" Murdered, the moment Hajime screamed that word, a thick, muddy feeling of despair swelled within his body. Which means that he accepted the fact that Byakuya was murdered.

Peko: "W-What... is this!?" Everyone turned around and saw Peko by the main door, she was just as shocked as everyone else when she saw Byakuya's body. "I-Is that... really Byakuya?"

Chiaki: "Why... why did this happen? Why... Byakuya?"

Monokuma: "I see, I see... it appears Fuyuhiko is the only one who isn't here. So, in the spirit of keeping everyone on the same page, how about we do this the usual way!?" After he said that, he quickly ran out the door and disappeared from everyone's sight.

*Ding dong dong ding*

Monokuma: "A body has been discovered! Now then, after a certain amount of time has passed, the class trial will begin!" Monokuma appeared on the monitor in the corner of the room and made a new announcement, telling everyone that a murder has taken place. Then, as quick as he left, he came back.

Hajime: "Class... trial?"

Monokuma: "I've already explained this to you, right? If one of you gets murdered, the rest of you have to debate who you think is the blackened."

Hajime: "Y-You're telling us... to figure out who the killer is?"

Monokuma: "That's right! From this point on, you guys must investigate and uncover the blackened culprit!"

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