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It was days after the ninja had defeated the sons of Garmadon and Garmadon, the evil lord himself. The ninjas were in the bounty relaxing when they heard terrible news. 

"There has been a suspicious dark cloud forming around Ninjago city," Zane explains. "This dark cloud has sucked up a fourth of Ninjago city already and seems to be spreading rapidly."

"They are here," Lloyd says staring into the dark, black abyss. 

"Who's here?" Kai questions, waving his hand in front of Lloyd's face to try to get his attention. When Lloyd didn't respond he said, "Uh Lloyd? You there buddy?" 

"I need to go to Kryptarium to see my father," Lloyd states, pulling down his hood and heading over to the edge of the bounty. 

"Lloyd wait-" Nya started, but Lloyd had already summoned his dragon and was flying in the direction of Kryptarium.

"What are we going to do with him," Nya sighs.


__________________________________With Lloyd_____________________________________

     Lloyd was flying to kryptarium on his dragon to see his father. His Father had told him about the darkness that would devour all Ninjago. At the moment Lloyd didn't think it was much of a threat. But looking at the darkness behind him, he knew he needed more background knowledge. 

Lloyd reached Kryptarium and was about to go inside when something caught his eye. A figure in a black hood ran into the bushes. Lloyd wanted to check it out, but he had more important things to worry about. 

_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Harumis Pov____________________________________

Ugh I have to get some food, but the prison cafeteria is full.  What should I do...? Wait!  Are those dumpsters over there open? Ugh Dumpster food sounds gross.... But I'm so hungry.  Back in the palace I would never have thought of eating dumpster food. Back in the palace I had everything i I could ever want. 

All except love. 


      Something that was foreign to me after I lost my parents. Something that I had recently experienced. Sure, it might have been fake on my part, but I have never felt so loved before when I was with that boy. Oh, how I wish that I never betrayed him. Actually no. I don't regret what I did. He deserved it. It was him who let my parents get killed. So it was only fair that he was almost killed by his own father. 

     Speaking of Lloyd, is that him over there? Yup that is him. Anyone can tell its him from a mile away. With those beautiful golden locks. That perfectly molded body. Ooo and don't forget his wonderful smile-.  

      SNAP OUT OF IT HARUMI. He killed your parents. You can't like him. And even if you did. WHICH YOU DON'T. Why would he want you back. Especially after you brought back his recently deceased father. 

   Oh shoot he's turning this way I better hide. 

I quickly run into the bushes. While hiding behind a shrub i peek through the leaves to see him looking in my direction. 

Ooo looks like he's got those beautiful green eyes back. I think to myself. 

I see him shake his head and walk into Kryptarium. What I would do to be in his arms again. 

Well better go back to the dumpster diving.


---------------------------------------------------At the bounty----------------------------------------------------------

"Wait so you're telling me there are these indestructible black creatures that are here to suck up every bit of life there is in Ninjago? And that you and Garmadon are the only people who can enter the cloud?" Jay asks staring at Lloyd with huge eyes. 

"Well if you put it like that they actually seem like a threat," Kai says leaning on Cole. 

"MAYBE BECAUSE IT IS A THREAT!" Jay yelled now facing Kai.

Kai was about to respond when Lloyd interjected. "Look its not like we haven't faced anything this bad before. We'll get through this, just like we have every other time." Even Lloyd was a bit scared about this problem. And if Lloyd is scared then everyone should be terrified.

"Yeah, Lloyd's right everyone we'll get through this." said Cole crossing his arms over his chest. 


"LLOYD YOU WERE WRONG WE ARE NOT GOING TO GET THROUGH THIS!" Jay screeched as he hit back another black tentacle that tried to suck him into its darkness. 

"Okay maybe I underestimated this a bit bu-" Lloyd started but was rudely interupted by a dramatic auburn-haired boy. 


"JAY calm down," Nya said calming down her boyfriend.

 "GUYS SHUT UP AND KEEP SAVING PEOPLE," Kai yelled at the three. And with that there was silence, with the occasional scream or cry of some women and children. But nothing to loud. 


On the bounty a bunch of people were staying together in groups. Lloyd was going around handing food to people. He thought he was finished but then he saw someone standing in the corner. 


He grabbed a plate of food and walked over to the hooded stranger. 

"Hey there. I brought you some food." Lloyd said politely as he handed to food to the stranger. "I couldn't help but notice that you were standing here all by yourself. Why is that?"

"Oh, I just don't think anyone would want to be around me." The stranger said. Not lifting their head up.

Lloyd froze. He remembered that voice. That soothing yet manipulated voice. "H-Harumi?"

The stranger looked up. Lloyd recognized that face. Her face had no more makeup. No more red lipstick smeared across her face. It was the Pre-evil Harumi face. Lloyd almost smiled at this face. But then all the horrid memories she caused flooded into his mind. Lloyd face turned into a scowl. He turned around and left to find the ninja and tell them about his findings. 

Harumi stayed in that corner. Until she saw a bunch of mad faces walk up to her. The green ninja leading the mob.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hey! Its California here. Thanks so much for reading Binding hearts chapter one. Plese leave comments on what you liked and what you think I should improve on. I will be updating this book anytime I can. Which will be a lot since I'm not in high school.

Anyways thanks again for reading and I hope you enjoy Binding Hearts.

I do not own Ninjago or the characters. 

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