Thirty Three

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~Two Months Later~

"How are both of you doing?" I ask Alex, because if this bed rest thing she's gone a bit crazy. Handing her some KFC extra extra crispy fried chicken since she loves it so much. Shrugging her shoulders I can tell something is wrong, I felt her sadness earlier "Alex...I know something is making you sad"

"Tommy called me" she tells me "Apparently my mom has something she wanted to give me, that she made for me but can't. Says it's a blanket" I can tell it's been hard for Alex not having her mom in her life, she's having a war inside of her. She's both relieved and saddened by this. I mean she's spent a long time depending on her, the woman both abused her and made it so that Alex loves her "my dad I talked to tries to get me to talk to mom but I can't...he says she went back to how things use to be which makes me sad I mean" I watch her start to cry "I thought she'd be more upset but no. Like before: Bible study, work, god—family isn't included. Well her American family"

"Do you want me to hold you?" I ask, she nods her head and I get into bed with her holding her as he cries "do you know what I also did ? Because I know you?"

"What?" She asks. Getting up, I grab the large present box that I got her holding it out to he she takes it. Looking at me curious and suspicious, she gasps pulling out two corgi puppies "puppies, hi" she received kisses from them. One of the puppies has black, white and gold on him and the other is a girl with white and gold hair.

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"This one is a girl and this one a boy" I tell her "they don't have names yet"

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"This one is a girl and this one a boy" I tell her "they don't have names yet"

"Oh" she starts to chuckle and looks at me "please tell me this is a joke" I look at her confused and she stares at me as the puppies lick her hand "you want me to take care of a newborn baby and two puppies?" She crossed her arms giving me an annoyed look.

"I'll be helping" I say "as will Demetri, see? Demetri!" Demetri runs in "see? He is even here to take care of the two puppies with my help"

"I am?" He asks and I give him a look "oh! Yes!" Nodding his head "I'll help take care of two puppies"

She is silent before saying "Kittens"

"I'm sorry?" I ask

"If your serious" she says "I want some kittens around here"

"Okay" nodding my head "we'll get two"

"Six" Demetri coughs a laugh "six kittens" that's going to be a very strong scent.

Nodding my head "Okay, six kittens...anything else?"

She thinks about that, oh boy "I want a large fish tank filled with sea salt fish of my choosing"

"Okay" nodding my head "anything else?"

"Hey!" Demetri comes over and grabs my arm "I need to talk to Felix for a moment" he pulls me out into the hall "so when did Alex own your balls?"

"I'm sorry?" I ask

"The moment he agreed to loving me!" We hear Alex yell "did Felix lose his balls and gave them to me!"  I did not lose my balls, my balls are still mine.

"Wow that girl has good hearing" Demetri comments "So Alex? How is the baby?"

"I'm trying to think of good names with Christian and Felix" she says "Felix loves all the names I pick while Christian isn't too sure while the names Christian picks I don't like, come the baby is kicking" taking his hand, I keep an eye on Demetri as he feels the baby kick.

"What is the baby listening to?" Demetri asks looking at the tapes "Beethoven? Mozart?" Alex whispers something too low for me to hear in Demetri's ear, causing him to snort while Alex giggles.

"What?" I ask

"Nothing" shaking their heads as Alex has the baby listen to music. I go over and grab the cd to see that she's listening to and it's some song from Swan Lake.

So I grab the headphones and listen to Flo Rida "Flo Rida?"

"I'm not having our baby listen to Beethoven" shaking his head "I'm sorry baby but no" shaking my head I put the headphones back on "your not upset?"

"Just listen to some calming music every now and then" I ask her

"Pussy whipped" Demetri coughs behind his hand, I give him a look "So Alex? What kind of names are you going to give the puppies?"

"This one will be known as Rocky and this one Chloe" she says "can vampires impregnate women?"

"No" shaking our heads "I'm sorry but the seed in my loins are frozen"

"One more thing" she asks, I nod my head "the puppy is peeing on your cape" what? Looking over I see the puppies are indeed peeing on my cape.

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