Twenty Eight

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~Alex's POV~

When I wake up I see Bella fast asleep, getting up and dressed I head outside to pee. After some time I leave to use some wipes to clean my hands. "Good sleep?" Demetri asks me

Nodding my head "Where's Felix?"

Demetri nods his head over, I see Felix and smile as he brings me into his embrace "Morning"

"Good morning" he greets "how are you both?"

"We are doing fine" which reminds me, picking my phone out of my pocket I call Christian so that he doesn't go all crazy.

"Hello?" He answers

"It's me" closing my eyes as I inhale Felix's scent "both me and baby are fine we just woke up, so no need to send an army after me"

"Fine" grumbling causing me to roll my eyes "have you eaten?"

"Just woke up" reminding him "I'll call you when we are down in Forks since we are leaving in a few hours"

"You better" hanging up on me

"You have a type" looking over at Demetri who hands me some food "controlling alpha males, even though you and Christian aren't together he still orders you around"

"I'm not controlling" Felix argues

We stare at him as he gives Demetri a glare "That's right" lying as I pat his chest "your not" looking down at me he sees me smiling at him and he smiles back. I'm feeling these flutters on my stomach that I've never gotten before "Just when you seem to stop, you surprise me"

He looks confused "What do you mean?"

Shrugging my shoulders "Just looking at you I'm getting these flutters in my stomach" he looks down at my belly and places his hand on my belly and the flutters come back more rapidly.

Looking away grinning, he smiles at me "That's the baby" I'm sorry? What's the baby? "The baby is kicking" oh, oh! Oh! Oh my god!

Looking down at my belly wide eyed at how my baby is starting to kick "He's kicking" our son makes his presence known by kicking rapidly "and wow he's acting like he's kicking a soccer ball"

"Hi" Felix kneels before my belly and talks to my belly like he has been, did I mention this? I feel like I did? Given everything happening I wouldn't be surprised if I'm asking the same thing multiple times "this is one of your daddies. I may not have sired you but I do love you. I love you so much" kissing my belly the baby responds by rapidly kicking.

"Why are you on your knees kissing my cousins belly?" We hear Isabella ask staring at us weirdly "is she thinking she's fat again? Cause she kind of is"

I start to cry and Felix runs at Bella who jumps back while Demetri gets between them. Both of their eyes black "As much as even I want to" Demetri agrees with Felix's thoughts for giving Bella death "let the red head have her"

Felix growls before coming over to me as Edward grabs Bella and pulls her away "She's right" I cry as Felix holds me, rubbing my back "I've gotten fat and you won't want me and my baby will hate me and I should just die" my bad thoughts are kicking in. I get bad thoughts of thinking maybe the world is better if I was gone forever, it takes a lot to bring me up from my bad thoughts.

"No" growing as he shakes his head "no, you are not going to die. You hear me?" He demands having me look up at me through puffy red crying eyes "you are beautiful, you are creating life. One of the most beautiful things I've seen women do—your cousin is just bitter about her life. Okay? Right Demetri?"

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