Twenty Five

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~Felix's POV~

"Are you certain?" I ask Demetri, Alex and I are on our way driving up to visit the Denali's. I called ahead of time to Tanya asking for her to answer some questions my mate has on Aro. She agreed but a bit too quickly, why? I don't like this, ever since Constantine visited my mate in her dreams about a month ago she has been distant and more self conscious when I'm near or when the others are near. Her heart races, she's been staying more at home locking the windows keeping me out.

"I'm not lying" Demetri tells me what he found in Dydime's journal "what Constantine told your mate was true, Aro forced himself upon Dydime. Jane found it in the journal"

"I'll call you later" hanging up, I place my hand on my mate's belly which has grown a bit more. With how much more she's been anxious and terrified, I'm afraid for both her and the baby.

Alex gasps looking around, seeing me with my hand on her belly she gulps "Alex" I stop the car to look at her "please, talk to me"

"I" she stares at me "I"

"Why are you terrified?" I ask

Pressing her lips together "You follow Aro" tears well in her eyes "Constantine, he warned me that until I have all the answers that I can't trust you" he said what?! "I want to trust you, I do but...Constantine he hasn't given me a reason not to trust him"

"Alexandra" cupping her face with my hands "I will never hurt you, you can trust me. Your the only person who I care for, I only stayed in the Volturi because I didn't feel like I had a place anywhere else. My place is with you, so if you don't want to go to the Volturi I will leave. For you" tears fall from her eyes.

"I don't know" she mouths "I don't know anything anymore"

"Just know this, I love you and will always love you" leaning over, I kiss her. She kisses me back before pulling away.

"Why am I getting a bad feeling?" She looks around before seeing something, I look to see a black tinted car parked some ways away "what's that?"

"Alex" I order "hold onto something" is this car following us? Why? She does and I speed away, as I drive I notice that car is following us.

"Stay here" I order when I park the car, getting out I run over to the car opening the door to see a woman "why are you following us?"

"How" she asks motioning "how"

"Why" pulling this woman with red hair out of the car, my hand is on her neck "are you following us?"

She gasps "What are you?"

Because no one is around, I sink my teeth into her neck and drain her of blood. She thrashes in my grip trying to get away but it's no good. When her body goes limp and her heart stops beating, I throw her back into her car before setting it on fire.

Going to my mate, she looks between me and the car "what happened?"

"Nothing" I assure her, we are silent before I say "Jane found something"

"Huh?" She asks

"Dydime before she died" I tell her what I found out "she wrote how Aro forced himself upon her, how it wasn't the first time either" Alex places a hand on her belly "I won't" promising her "let anything bad happen to either of you"

"The newborn army" she randomly asks

"It's being created" I confirm "but won't attack for some time"

"When I turn" she asks "the baby, what will—I don't want to give him or her up" tears run down her eyes "I've thought about it and...I don't think I'll be able to give the baby up"

"I don't expect you to" shaking my head "but it'll be hard for you since the baby will be human and I plan on turning you a year or two after he or she is born"

"How...will the pain hurt?" She asks

"The venom is excruciating" I tell her

She shakes her head "I friends and family, the pain of losing them"

"Over time the pain will lessen" parking the car "we're here" getting out of the car, I catch her when she slipped.

"Ice" she says

Carrying her to the door, she knocks on it and we see Kate Denali open it. She looks at us "Hello, you must be Alexandra. Come in" walking inside "if you want to set her down, you can"

I hold my mate close "Hello" Tanya comes in "Felix, is this your mate Alexandra?"

"Hello" she waves her hand "excuse Felix, ever since a certain incident he hasn't stopped being overprotective"

"It's alright" she waves her hand and we walk to the living room, sitting down I keep Alex in my arms "Felix said you have questions for me"

"Aro" she asks "what kind of man is he?"

Tanya stares between us "I'm not going to lie, Aro is a horrible man"

"Did he rape his sister?" I ask

Tanya nods her head "Multiple times" oh my god, how did none of us know? Much less Marcus?

"Why didn't Marcus stop him?" I demand

"Chelsea" Eleazar comes in then, I see the entire coven is here "but also you have another vampire who has a power to alter minds, only a shield can protect them which it seems your mate is"

I hold my mate closer, making sure not to hurt her or the baby "I don't"

"You wouldn't remember her" Eleazar shakes his head "but he exists, his job is to make Aro seem like a wonderful man"

"How do you know this?" Alex asks

"He tried to do what he did to Dydime to me" Irena says "but Kate stopped him, it's a reason only a handful of vampires know about this"

"The Volturi" Tanya tells her "use to be a well respected coven run by Constantine, but when Aro overthrew his father their reputation became terrible at best"

"I'm not bringing you back" shaking my head

"Back to where?" She asks

"Italy" holding her close "I have a home in Washington and one in Russia, we'll be in one of them"

"Washington" she says "no offense but I don't know Russian and even though I love the cold, I love the rain more so"

"What will Aro think?" Carmen asks

"I don't care what he thinks" growling "my mate and child are important, they always will be"

"Your both" Tanya says "welcome to stay here, you don't have to change your diet Felix. We had a witch protect our home from Aro's forces"

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