Twenty Four

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"Watcha reading?" Demetri asks me, I'm here with the elite guard since after the whole badger in the air ducts I'm not allowed to be by myself. Plus Felix is out hunting right now.

"A diary" I say, yeah this was one of the books the vampire Constantine wanted me to read.

"Ooh" Demetri is next to me "who's diary?"

"Some dead vampire names Dydime's" I say turning a page "though it's taking me a long time since" the book is yanked out of my hand and Demetri looks through it "uh, what up?"

"Who gave you this?" He asks me standing up

"What's going on?" The twins come in

"She's reading Dydime's diary" the twins eyes widen and Jane takes it.

"I don't understand" they look at me "what's the big deal?"

"Dydime" Jane says "was Marcus's mate. Constantine killed her"

"How did you get the diary?" Alec demands

"Constantine" I say standing up to get some water "but he didn't kill her and I believe him" they give me looks of disbelief "from how I see it, Constantine didn't gain anything from his daughter dying but Aro did. Marcus can see bonds, you said Aro values power so wouldn't it make sense for Aro to have killed Dydime to keep Marcus?" Drinking the huge bottle of water Felix buys me

Their silent as they stare at me, but as I say that I blink and I'm no longer in the hotel room but on a field. "Your in a place" looking over, I see Constantine "where Aro can't get you"

"Why am I here?" I ask

"I need to show you something" he waves his and hand and the image changes "this is the day Dydime wanted to leave the coven" I watch and that rat guy is before Dydime—Dydime had long blonde curly hair with red eyes and pale skin—he grabs Dydime and pushes her down to the floor before forcing him upon her "In one of Dydime's journal, she wrote what Aro did. How he before Marcus he would force himself upon her" tears run down my face as I watch Dydime dry cry for Aro to stop "she never told me before, but when I found out it was too late" I watch as Constantine comes in and rips Aro off of Dydime, Aro runs away after as Constantine holds his daughter "Alexandra" Constantine firmly says "I need you to go to Alaska and stay with the Denali's. Leave Felix for now and stay with them, tell them I sent you and that you have questions about Aro and what he is like"

"I don't understand" shaking my head "I'm human"

"Your a human with two powerful gifts" he says "one Aro will covet, he will do to you what he did to Dydime—stay safe"

Gasping awake, I see Felix by my side and I sit up pulling away from him. If what he showed me was true...Felix is loyal to Aro and on my god. "Alex?" Felix asks me

He comes close and I snap "Stay back" I see the others here and I go to the door as they stare at me.

"What happened?" He asks

"Aro won't do what he did to his sister to me" I run out of the room then, I go to the elevator and press for it to open.

"Alex" Felix is next to me "what do you mean? What happened?"

The doors open and I go in but Felix is next to me and stops the elevator "No" putting a hand on my belly which is now showing.

"Alexandra" he firmly says "what happened?"

Shaking my head, how can I trust Felix? Oh god, I'm alone and oh god. "Alexandra" he kneels before me "please" taking my hand "what happened?"

"Constantine visited me" I say "can he show memories? Can he alter them?"

Yes" nodding his head "and no he can't" I gasp covering my mouth "why what happened?"

"He showed me a memory of his" I say

"What was the memory?" He demands

"He showed me" I choke "Aro raped his sister and it's why Dydime wanted to leave"

"Aro loved his sister" he protests "he would never"

"Please" I beg "if you care for me, you'll let me go"

"I'm not letting you go forever" he says "I love you Alexandra, I have for years even before we met" pulling away, I stare into his eyes. I can see the sincerity in his eyes "I won't ever forsake you, make you doubt me, I will be on your side always" somewhere deep down, I know he's telling the truth.

So I lean up and kiss him.

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