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~Day Fifteen~

I brush my teeth in this very extravagant bathroom that I'm sharing with Massimo and his wife Laura, I sleep on the couch but Massimo always moves me so that I'm in bed with him and Laura. This causes me to get terrible sleep. Doesn't help that he has been drugging me, I mean with my mango strawberry smoothies? He has anti anxiety meds be out there with something else, but it doesn't help me at all but make me be even more angered. If he knew me he would know that I don't like taking medication unless if it's my last option. Two of my three cousins were all drug addicts, my uncle was one-I have addicts in my family and I don't want to be one. Christian knows this, it's why he tries to keep his beatings that using his belt on me to once a month maybe two because he knows I am pained but I refuse to take pain killers.

Leaving the room in my pajama's and fuzzy slipped, I go for a walk wondering what to do. I hear loud moans from the red room Laura and Massimo have but instead of red it's black, it's a sex dungeon. Nothing like Christian's that is for sure.

Moving to outside, I think about life and what there is to do. Olga and Domenico are looking for a wedding venue right now-I've grown closer to them, I'll even go as far as to call them friends-since their wedding is this year possibly.

As I walked I didn't realize I went far from the house that I'm now at this one building that I've seen but never gone to before. I see a lock on the door-taking my hairpin, I use it to unlock the lock on the door and when it opens I walk inside.

I find a woman on the ground chained "Oh my" running over, she looks up and she looks like she's been starved and also beaten "hey, hey"

"You shouldn't be here" she mutters

"Here" I unchain her, screw Massimo and his whole keep the woman locked up "let's get you out of here" I go to the other woman I see that was hiding behind her and undo her chains-the first woman, she looks down at her hands and I jump when I see fire come from them.

She looks to me smiling "thank you, one day we shall repay you...The Executioner's mate" they leaves then and I take deep breathes as lady one disappeared with lady two in smoke, but not before snapping her fingers causing a blue wave to come through. What the hell?

"What are you doing here?" Mario comes in demanding

"I saw the door open" I lie, what the hell happened? I think I am on acid. Only explanation.

"The door was open" looking to the door then to the chains "did you see two women in here?"

I shake my head no "the room was empty, what happens in here?"

He stares at me before pulling out his phone and calling someone, he mutters something before holding his arm out to me "Come, now" I leave the building.

"Did I do something wrong?" I ask

He shakes his head no "The door was open? Are you certain?" I nod my head "and you saw no one?" I think about it "actually when you came in, there was this motion behind you but" he cursed in Italian "what?"

"Don't worry about it" he has me go to the room where Laura and Massimo are, they look our way and says in Italian "Regina e Veronica sono fuggite" Regina and Veronica have escaped

"Sei sicuro?" Are you sure? Massimo demands, Mario nods his head "you ladies stay here" that was weird.

~Day Seventeen~

"Get off of me!" I slap Massimo who looks like he just smoked some cocaine. Massimo turns out is a big addict it seems, he says he doesn't have a problem but he does. I mean he tried to get me to do some cocaine like with Laura. Mario pulled me out of there when I tried to kill Massimo.

"Your mine" he slaps my face and I hold my cheek, where is Laura? She isn't here, did she leave him?

"I'm not" I kick him in the dick before running but he grabs my my hair roughly and yanks me to the bed.

He grabbed his belt and whipped me hard that I know my cheek is bleeding since I feel something warm come down my face. Massimo punches me in the face and I cry as he beats me, at least when Christian beat me it was as far as bruising my ass or the occasional choking. But this?

"Stop!" I cry as I grab this vase and hit him, he falls over so I use it as my chance to run.

I look around the place before going down one hall-I'm at some charity ball thing with Massimo and Laura, Laura's parents are even here-then another before going into one room only to be tackled to the ground.

My hands are over my head as I'm gagged, I scream for him to get off of me but he doesn't. Instead I hear a zipper be unzipped and my nightdress is moved up.

Tears run down my face as I feel his cock at my entrance before thrusting in. I hate Massimo Tortricilli, Christian would never have done this unless we wanted to role play. He has those contracts for a reason.

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