S I X . T H R E E

Start from the beginning

For the rest of the afternoon and part of the night, Jensen and Indra had told them everything that had happened, how the Arkadian soldiers had attacked them while they slept, and the boy had not bothered to omit that her sister's killer had been a man named Pike, who himself had pulled the trigger countless times when Krista was going to get up and defend herself.
Coriane didn't even know his face, but she knew that she wouldn't need to know it, all she wanted was to hear his every cry of pain, to hear his prayers and begs.

And she was going to get them, sooner or later, she was going to kill the man with her fist and hand, and anyone who got in her way, would suffer the same fate.


Bellamy had been part of it all.

Just when she had thought that nothing at that moment could tear her apart more than Krista, Octavia had arrived to prove her wrong, that there was still something left inside her to break.

Clarke had refused to believe that her sweet people had been capable of so much carnage, but Coriane knew better. She herself had participated in hundreds of battles, had spilled blood, guilty and innocent, nothing could fool her into believing that Skaikru had not made the decision to put the very man who killed her sister on the throne. But who had? Or more specifically, who had not?

She knew her brother was in great danger there, considering he was a grounder and affiliated with Coriane, every second that passed could separate Lincoln from life and death. For a moment Adriel's head flashed through her as well, his brown eyes; the same as hers, and his expression hurt and disappointed, but as quickly as Coriane got to that memory she forced herself to pull it out, Adriel Tate was in no imminent danger, his parents were high up in the Skaikru government, not like her brother, her real brother.

Her head was a mess. She could feel it all, how the land mourned for its people, for those faithful devotees of the great spirit, how the blood of those same warriors stained the ground, seeped through the grass, she could even swear that the same taste of blood invaded her mouth, just as it invaded that of her beloved land.

Meanwhile she hadn't left Jensen's side all day, the boy had slept most of the time, only waking up to eat, drink some water and throw it all up afterwards. While Aren, Isaac and Isadora were helping her deal with whatever was going on outside the tent, with Lexa, Clarke, Skaikru and everything but her brother at imminent risk. Odeya was with her. It hadn't taken both her and Isadora a day to reach the blood camp after Coriane had sent Roscoe to bring them the letter where she briefly explained everything. The massacre, Krista's death, and that Jensen was wounded. Odeya had stayed in the tent to help care for Jensen, and as much as the girl had tried to avoid it, she hadn't been able to stop crying silently as she treated the boy. Isadora hadn't been able to say a single word, and at the first opportunity to get out of that tent, to stop seeing Jensen hurt, Coriane so broken, and Odeya crying, she took it to leave to help her with all the duties Coriane now felt unable to attend to.

"What's going...?" Odeya tried to ask, the candlelight being the only thing illuminating the two girls' faces. While the blonde looked at her, trying to get the words out of her throat, Coriane still couldn't take her eyes off the brown-haired man. "What's going to happen now?"

It took Coriane a moment to think about that question, much longer to answer it, but when she realized that she couldn't find words comforting enough, or even the strength to form a convincing enough lie, she simply spoke the horrible, disappointing truth:

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