☆Buddy Route- Kris, Rudinn, & Plugboy

Start from the beginning

Kris chuckled a tiny bit, informing Susie and Ralsei that it was okay and that they didn't mind if Rudinn stuck around for a bit until they could get them back home. Though Ralsei shook his head.

"It's really not okay, Kris! Rudinn isn't from this world, I fear that they may turn to stone soon due to this," he turned to Rudinn, "are you feeling alright?"

Rudinn nodded and smiled, "never felt better."

Ralsei still seemed worried, but with a little convincing, he agreed to let Rudinn come along outside of Kris's pocket as long as they kept a close eye on them.

"Hold on a damn second, did you say that you followed Lancer into Kris's pocket?" Susie asked, and Rudinn thought for a moment, seeming confused.

"I don't think I did." Susie sighed and groaned in annoyance but dropped the matter soon after.

They continued along the path, allowing for Plugboy and Rudinn to get well acquainted with each other to become better party-mates. 

They walked for what seemed like ages until they came to a fork in the path at the end of the trash zone, which caused a bit of confusion and concern over what they should do. Of course, Ralsei was the first to come up with an idea, which was that they should split up. 

"Who would you like to go with, Kris?" Ralsei asked, smiling brightly. Kris thought for a moment before stating that they would like to go with Plugboy and Rudinn. Susie seemed satisfied, and Ralsei didn't seem like he minded either way, though he was always like that no matter the decision.

Each group split up, Susie and Ralsei going in the direction of the city while Kris, Rudinn, and Plugboy went in the direction of the carnival. Plugboy smiles, wiggling his way off of Kris's back and taking their hand. He smiled at all the funs things he could do, but Kris decided that first and foremost they would get Plugboy the snack that he wanted. They eventually got one for themself and Rudinn too.

As they walk around, they do encounter a fair number of enemies, but it was nothing they couldn't handle. And, of course, they rode a ride or two just for fun. But their favorite thing was when they came across a particular booth filled with clothes and stuff to alter your appearance. 

Kris turned to Plugboy and Rudinn, "do you guys want anything? It could raise your STATS."

Plugboy and Rudinn smiled and nodded, rushing into the booth to look at the various clothing items. Kris waited outside for a minute until they came back out. Rudinn decided on a very snazzy suit while Plugboy grabbed a pretty simple Fedora. Kris smiled at them, commenting on their appearance before they continued along. 

When they reached the end of the carnival, they stumbled across a dark passageway. Plugboy was a little scared, so he got back onto Kris's back before they proceeded. At the end of the passageway a little further ahead stood the entrance to Queen's mansion, where Susie and Ralsei stood looking for a way to get in. 

Ralsei smiled when they saw Kris, quickly rushing over to them. "Are you alright, Kris? You guys aren't hurt, are you?"

Kris reassured the fluffy boy that the three of them were alright before walking over to Susie, who was trying to force the main door open.

"Damnit! What do we do now?" She said, getting more pissed off by the second. 

Kris thought for a moment before getting an idea, relaying it to the rest of the party before proceeding. They rang the doorbell before waiting for a moment. After a while, a voice was heard from the other side of the door. 

"Whooo iiis iiit~"

Plugboy smiled happily and in a cheery voice said, "special delivery!"

Rudinn felt as though they had to add something as well, "yeah! We're here to deliver...um...pies!

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