chapter 15

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Ok, last chapter was a shocker and a BIG Hope you liked it, I did...sort of...

Anyway, please please please comment and Oh BTW please read my Doctor who fanfic, if you already haven't and vote, comment, I want to know if you guys actually enjoy my stories.

I was actually close to deleting my stories, but my friends talked me out of it, so if it weren't for them, I would no longer be writing this

Hope you like



Chapter 15

Kat's P.O.V.

One week and Matt is still so happy and excited. He seems to be more excited than I am and I'm only  7, now 8 weeks pregnant!! I'm glad I told him, but I'm still scared. He took the kiss thing really to heart, proving he does really love me, but what if I have a miscaridge, what if he decides he no longer wants a child?? These thoughts never left my mind, like Matt never left my side, but I pushed them away, thinking about the best and not the worst.

Me, Matt and Nathan were practising our lines in my trailer. Yes, it was finally MY trailer again, after John found Nathan a separate trailer, AFTER he found out about my pregnancy, realising me and Matt needed some space.

"Lulu this isn't gonna work between us, I know you love Bruno and I realise now I don't love you like that. I'm sorry for kissing you, I'm sorry for everything I said. Bruno deserves you, his love for you is out of this world," Said Nathan. "Sorry dude, I came in between you and that was wrong, a big mistake."

"It's alright, mistakes happen, but you made up for it, you did the right thing," Said Matt.

I stepped foward and hugged Nathan (Drew), like my character was supposed to.

"Thank you, for getting me and Bruno back together, you're a wonderful friend," I whispered into his ear.

I pulled back and 'Drew' walked away, sitting down on the bed. I turned to Matt.

"I love you Lulu, I really do. I'm sorry for hurting you, I will never leave you, I promise," He smiled.

"I love you too Bruno," I hugged him.

I pulled back and smashed my lips on his, pulling him close. He backed me up and pushed me against the wall. His warm, soft tongue found its way into my mouth, dancing around. Our bodies pushed up close. I felt his hand roaming my body, making me weak. My eyes shut tight, but I managed to find my way up his shirt, pulling him closer. Everything was perfect.

Matt was pulled off of me, breaking our kiss. I gasped for air, opening my eyes.

"PLEASE!! No, sexual activity while I am around!! It's just disgusting!! Leave it till you are alone...PLEASE," Nathan scrunched his face in disgust.

"Hahaha...Sorry, dude...the script does say we kiss though," Matt laughed.

"Yes it does, but it says KISS, not SNOG or EAT HER FACE OFF, does it??" Nathan threw his hands up in the air, making me laugh.

"Sorry, but she just makes me go crazy, she sends sparks through me. If you weren't here, she wouldn't be wearing clothes right now, neither would I," Said Matt, not taking his eyes off of me. I laughed, trying to cover the blood rushing to my face.

"TO MUCH INFORMATION!! I did not need to know that!! That is GROSS...I'm gonna throw up any second now," Nathan made gagging faces.

"Hahaha, I would be perfectly fine being naked with you, Matt," I said, grinding against him. I heard him let out a soft moan.

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