Chapter 10.4

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"Four," Sophia says, lifting one of her brows competitively.

Harry smirks back. "Five."

She squints. "Weekends included?" Harry nods. She smirks. "Six."

Harry frowns, but before he can say anything, Louis interjects. "Are we talking intercourse or everything included?"

"Everything," Sophia says, while Harry says, "Intercourse."

They look at each other, Harry smiling triumphantly. "I suppose I won. I get more dick than you. Hand it over."

Sophia rolls her eyes, shooting the strawberry sundae over on the table. She leans back in the booth, Liam's arms draped over her shoulder. "You're a sex maniac, Harry," she tells him sourly, meanwhile he just smirks and pops a spoonful of ice cream into his mouth.

"You don't know half of it," Louis mutters.

"Are y'all really having that conversation?" Niall asks, looking a little pained from Louis' other side.

"Yes." Harry slouches back, tucking himself to Louis' side. He pulls his knee up, foot on the edge of his seat as he slides his hand onto Louis' thigh comfortably. Louis' arm is resting around his waist, thumb on his hipbone, softly stroking his skin beneath his t-shirt.

"Do we have to?" Ed asks from where he's sitting next to Liam on the other side of the table.

The six of them are at the diner, eating fries and burgers. Louis' half-eaten meal is left on the table, and Harry pops two of his fries into his mouth, chewing quickly, before stealing another. He knows Louis sees it, but he lets it slide like always. Harry purses his lips at him, requesting a kiss that Louis gives with a soft sound.

"Are you all set for London?" Louis asks Sophia afterwards, who nods.

"Yep, all packed." She's leaving tomorrow already for a summer internship. It had something to do with fashion, Harry is pretty sure. He watches her smile quietly at Liam, who smiles back softly. She'll be away two months, while Liam will be here. They've been together for several months now, and Harry is rather certain that their relationship is going to last for a while.

"Nice," Louis hums, but doesn't say more. His hand squeezes Harry closer to his side.

Harry watches him for a small moment, eyes lingering on his eyelashes. He leans in, whispering in his ear. "I'm happy we're not gonna be apart."

Louis smiles down at his hand on his thigh. He doesn't say anything, but he doesn't need to. What he's feeling is clear.

They make it out of the diner an hour or so later, Niall leaving with Liam and Soph, Ed by himself, and Louis and Harry stuff into the Rover. It's dusk, the sun starting to go down. Louis is wearing Harry's Ray Bans, and he looks exceptionally good in the evening sunlight. Harry feels pretty lucky.

They drive over to Harry's where they can have the house to themselves. It's pretty empty nowadays, his dad mostly working and isn't home a lot. He should feel lonely, but it's not often he has time to do that. He's got Louis and his family, Zayn, and Louis' friends have been very accepting of him. Summer has been kind this far.

They go upstairs to get ready for bed, Louis stripping himself of his shirt and trousers as soon as they reach the bedroom. He makes a pleased noise when his eyes reach the bed, grinning. "Oh, the golden sheets!"

Harry grins. "Yeah. I like them."

"Good," Louis smiles. "I got you those."

"My favorite."

"I want to suck you off," Louis says then, turning to him. He looks completely serious. "Get on the bed."

Harry isn't slow to comply, so he sits on the bed and scoots up to the middle, lying down on his back. He exhales, grinning as he feels the bed shift, Louis positioning himself between his legs. He quickly makes work of Harry's trousers, pulling them and his pants down his thighs. He's not hard yet, but Louis is fast when it comes to taking care of that problem.

"This never gets old," Harry says a couple of minutes later, Louis' mouth around his cock. He's resting back with his arms behind his head, smirking in pleasure as Louis sucks him down. Louis' mouth is sinful, honest to God. His cheekbones are fucking heaven. Louis lips leave Harry's cock with a slick sound, and he gives Harry a look. "What? It doesn't. Your blowjobs are great. You do all the work while I just lie back and steadily reach my org—"

"Harold." Louis squeezes around his cock.

"Ah, Christ!"

Louis smiles haughtily, something that used to annoy Harry until he realized Louis isn't serious half the time he speaks. He's endearing. "If you want to reach you orgasm then I'd prefer it if you shut up."

"Is that a challenge?" Harry asks, lungs labored as Louis continues to stroke him steadily.

"No, silly," he chuckles. "That's an order."

Harry groans loudly at that, head falling back against the mattress. It makes Louis grin, and Harry knows how much he loves it when Harry falls for his stupid tricks. Basically, the only thing he needs to do is make his voice a little more dominant and Harry is gone. Louis chuckles, but proceeds to take him into his mouth.

Harry's eyes flicker around the room for a moment, Louis' wet mouth too much. He needs to find something to anchor him, and that thing can't be Louis. His eyes trail to the wall, and suddenly he stills.

"What the hell?" he says, squinting. He leans up on his elbows, mouth open. "Is that—oh my god, is that a picture of you framed on my wall?!"

Louis releases him, eyes going to the wall next to the bathroom. Harry moves closer on the bed, regarding the picture in shock. The picture is of Louis in his footie kit, everything on except for the shirt. The number 28 is written on his stomach with a black marker, and there's a big heart drawn around him. He's written 'I love you, Louis' below and there are tiny scribbles of 'Harry Tomlinson' in the corners.

"What the hell," he says in disbelief. "You're such a shit. Where's my Ronaldo poster?"

Louis snorts, snickering. "It's been months and you haven't noticed." He throws his head back, cackling. "How many friends have you had over who didn't say a word when they noticed it?" He gives Harry's cock a stroke, making him jerk, having forgotten about the blowjob entirely.

Well, honestly. None. But just the fact that people could have seen this is horrible. Louis is a fucking dick.

"When did you do this?"

"Your birthday," he shrugs easily.

Jesus. His boyfriend is a menace.

"I love you, but I hate you so much," Harry says, shaking his head. Louis only grins mischievously, before attacking Harry on the bed, pressing him down on the mattress. Harry laughs despite himself, wrapping his legs around him. Louis gives him small kisses on his face, until he sighs, giving way to Harry's protesting hands.

"Alright, I'll finish your blowjob now," he says, smiling as he slides down on the bed. Harry hums, but he isn't entirely satisfied. He yanks at Louis' hair, making him pull up, wincing in pain. "What are you doing?" he complains.

Harry stares at him seriously, keeping their eyes locked in a heavy gaze. "I want you to go down on me for so long that you develop gills," he says.

Louis stares back at him, looking a little taken aback by Harry's curtness. "Alright," he says hesitantly, eyes wide.

"Good," Harry breathes, nodding.

Louis nods back, before he crawls down on the bed, placing a small kiss on Harry's thigh. "But you totally stole that line from 'My mad fat diary'," he mutters.

"Just go with it, for God's sake, Louis."

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