Chapter 5.6

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It's raining and Louis can hear the drops of water smattering against the window. It's Friday, early, and he doesn't want to ever leave his bed. He also hasn't asked Harry about the kiss even though it's been days, but he feels warm and cozy wrapped in a duvet, Harry's next to him practically radiating heat.

Louis rolls over towards him, poking him lightly in the side.

"What," he huffs, turning his head and burying his face into the pillow.

Louis eyes him for a moment. There's a sense of comfort around him that Louis hasn't seen before. He looks content, sleepy and soft. Louis has somehow along the way realized that Harry might like sleeping at his house, here, in his bed.

"Wake up," he says, poking him in the side again. "School."

"I don't want to go," Harry mumbles and bats Louis' hand away. Louis tries to poke him again and their hands get into a bit of a struggle, Harry groaning in annoyance into his pillow as Louis tries to pinch him awake. Eventually Harry just grabs his arm and pushes him down on the mattress, flopping down on top of him. Louis' breath escapes him and he groans, Harry heavy and sprawling on top of him, chest against chest.

"We have to go to school," Louis says.

"No, we don't. I'm on you. You can't move." There's a roughness in his voice mixed with drowsiness, and the result is kind of endearing.

"We have to go to school," Louis repeats.

"No. Coach is going to cancel practice 'cause it's raining. And there's no game tonight." His breath tickles at Louis' collarbone and his leg feels hot between his.


"Not important. Let's stay in," he murmurs, lips puckering as he raises his head. "Have sex all day." It's extremely tempting, is what it is. "Your mum works the day shift today, right, Lou," he whispers. "Your sister will be in school, you'll be naked, I'll be naked... Special day..."


"Fuck me." His lips are brushing against Louis' jaw, slightly wet and there's warmth radiating from his body. His hands are sliding up Louis' shoulders and gripping his neck, thumbs pressing up his jaw.


He leans up and kisses him, lips all wet, and Louis can't believe they're doing this when his sister's probably awake in the next room. He mostly can't believe he's kissing Harry when the boy's got morning breath and a pillow mark on his cheek.

Harry gets into it quickly, pushing Louis' ruffled hair back between his fingers, sliding up and kneeling over him. His knee is between Louis' thighs, and Louis feels slightly dizzy as Harry sucks on his bottom lip.

Harry's got a t-shirt on and Louis lets his hands squeeze his hips before feeling his way up under his shirt. His hands skim over his back, humming a little as Harry arches into him submissively. Harry sucks on his jaw and when he bites a little, Louis locks his hands around his wrists, rolling them over and pushing him into the mattress.

"You like to get bity, yeah?" he murmurs, Harry's hands locked above his head.

Harry doesn't answer, only juts his hips up with his eyes half-lidded, and Louis doesn't wait for more. He's got his leg snugly between Harry's, their hips pressed together. He pushes Harry's shirt up to his armpits, and resumes to drag his teeth down his chest.

"Oh my god."

Louis rips his head up vehemently, hands on Harry's naked chest.

"Louis, Christ. I didn't know you were into football players." It's Lottie. She's standing in the doorway, eyes wide and looking shell-shocked.


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