Chapter 3.4

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The locker room is crowded, filled to the max. It's the last home game of the first part of the season before the winter break, and the cheerleaders are making a ruckus in the changing room, singing chants and painting the players' cheeks with war stripes, hugging them all good luck. It's actually fun and Louis and Stan are standing on one of the benches, belting "Meat, sauce, sausage roll, come on Donny give us goal!" along with the cheering squad.

"Right, lads!" Coach yells from the doorway. "Out with ye on the field! Warm up, let's go!"

"Yes, sir!" Louis yells back, jumping down on the floor, before he jogs to the corner behind a wall of lockers to check himself in the mirror one last time.

The room is crowded as people push towards the exit and Harry walks just past him. His shoulder brushes against Louis' chest where he's standing in the corner, and the moment is too good not to take advantage of.

His small hand snatches out, grabbing Harry's waist and pulling him back against himself. Harry goes pliant instantly, and Louis' tummy swirls a bit.

"How's that rug burn?" he whispers against his neck, a memory from the other day at the back of his head; he asked the same thing then, Harry flipping him off and grabbing his shirt off the floor, slamming the door.

"Getting brave?" Harry hisses back, but doesn't move away.

Louis squeezes his hip, and a thought hits him. He rolls his hips obscenely against Harry's arse, and murmurs, "Still want me to teach you...?"

He can see him swallow over his shoulder, and Louis splays his hand over his stomach. Harry's pulled his hair into a bun for the game, and his neck looks strangely appealing. Louis sends a gush of air over his skin, and rubs his nose against his top vertebra. He grinds into Harry slowly, fingers lazily scratching over his jersey.

"Stop it, or I'll elbow you," Harry hisses, bringing him back to reality. Louis squeezes his hip one last time, and it's equally funny and hot how strong Harry's sexual submissive streak is. He seems to get lost in every touch, despite what comes out of his mouth. Louis lets him go, and Harry swiftly moves away as if their encounter never occurred.

The match goes splendidly. It's another win for Doncaster: Louis scores two goals, both assists coming from Lee. Louis kisses his cheek passionately after the game, laughingly giving him a piggyback ride off the pitch. The coach nods at him approvingly when they pass him, Louis grinning widely, saluting him.

"Hey," Lee says at the side of his head. "Isn't that your mum?" Louis looks up, finding his family waiting by the end of the pitch.

"I'll see you later, 'kay?" he says, dropping his teammate off on the ground. He jogs up to them, breaking into a bigger smile as he sees the two little girls by his mother.

"Babies!" he yells, throwing his arms around his little sisters.

"Louis!" they shriek in response, clutching around his waist as Louis hugs them to him. Fuck, he's missed them. He hooks them under his arms, spinning them in a circle until they beg him to stop. He laughingly puts them down, getting on his knees to look at them properly.

"Louis," Daisy says, poking his nose.

"Daisy," he smiles. "Phoebe," he nods to his other sister, who looks exactly the same as Daisy, only in a different jacket.

"Aren't you going to greet me too, loser?"

Louis looks up at Niall who's standing next to Lottie, both of their arms crossed. He finds Niall's parents close by as well, and he grins and waves at them. They come over, congratulating him on the game. Niall's mother hugs him despite his sweaty attire.

"Put on a jacket, dear," Maura says, rubbing his arm. "Aren't you cold?"

"I'm off to the locker room, actually." He looks to his own mother. "Wait for me in the car, yeah?" His mum nods, and he bites his lip to hold back his smile, hugging his little sisters one last time before jogging back to the building.

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