Chapter 7.6

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"I'm not saying that he doesn't know what he's doing," Sophia, Liam's girlfriend, says. The three of them are strolling back from the bleachers, having just had lunch outside in the spring sun. It's still cold, but the light of the sun is making Louis feel a little less depressed. "I just think that a fair warning would have been nice. It's a huge assignment and we've all already got exams to cram for, and you boys have got the championship ahead. Announcing the project now is a bit late in my opinion. If he'd done it earlier it could've been slightly more doable, since we'd have more time to plan."

She's talking about a new Social Studies assignment that their teacher shocked them all with this morning. Louis' schedule is feeling rather tight these days and his motivation for anything but football is turning rather feeble.

"Maybe we can talk him into postponing the due date at least?" Liam suggests, taking her hand as their arms swing between them. Louis isn't very hopeful Mr. Warner will listen, but if Liam is going to open the discussion he might as well support that.

"Thanks, babe, but I hardly think he'll budge," Sophia sighs, thoughts on the same wavelength as Louis'.

Liam leans in and kisses her cheek just as they reach the main building. The two of them are very sweet with each other, the kind of high school sweethearts you would expect from an American cliché. Louis has been spending most of his time in school with them lately and they're great company, honestly. They're much calmer, less of a ruckus than the boys on the team, not as inquisitive or curious as Stan and Oli. They're good at giving Louis space when he needs it. What he really wants, though, is to be back with Niall.

Louis is walking on Sophia's other side, somehow ending up in his own little world, which isn't very unusual these days. He's been a little wrapped up his head lately, or at least Lottie tells him so, but he can't help it. In this second, however, it's like someone takes a vase of glass and smashes it against concrete, forcing him abruptly awake.

By the end of the parking lot, the last row closest to the main entrance, Niall is standing. He isn't alone, because he's leaning against a shiny Range Rover, one that Louis knows all too well. Louis feels cold. Niall's got black Ray Bans on and he's smoking, talking to Harry's friend, Zayn.

Louis' steps must have faltered, because Sophia and Liam stop by his side, looking at him worriedly.

"What's going on?" Liam asks, but he follows Louis' gaze and seems to understand only a moment later. "Oh."

Niall doesn't smoke. He does pot, but not normal cigarettes. He doesn't hang out with Zayn either and he sure as hell does not lean against Harry's posh car. Louis feels almost sick. Not because there's something wrong with Zayn, but the fact that Niall is friends with him...

"Louis," Sophia says slowly, but Louis can't stay here. He squeezes his eyes shut, hurrying into the building.

Everything is wrong. Everything is twisted. This year has been so fucking weird and Louis doesn't like it. It's all heading towards a crash, a catastrophe. This summer, before school started, Louis had it all figured out. After two months of crying and worrying so much he didn't eat and hardly slept, he thought he'd figured it out. It's obvious now that none if it is going to play out like he wanted. Day one at football practice when Coach named Louis and Harry co-captains, everything was screwed, destined to burn up.

Louis pushes the door to the loo open, finding the stalls seemingly empty inside. He leans with his hands on the edge of one of the sinks, eyes burning and belly twisting in knots.

The questions are too many. When did Niall befriend Zayn, or that type of people in general? Is he doing it because he knows it will upset Louis? That can't be right. His friend can get angry, but he never used to hold grudges or be intentionally mean. Maybe he's just changed? All the lads say Louis and Niall grew apart. What if they have? What if Niall prefers the company of those guys, the people who clearly don't come to the football matches to cheer for Louis?

Another thing hits him and he swallows, hand coming up to cover his mouth. Does Harry know about this? Niall was leaning against his car after all. What if he's known this whole time that Niall has jumped boarders? Maybe Louis is seeing this in black and white, but it's always been that way; Harry or Louis, and Niall always had Louis' back.

Fuck, Louis has to know.

Did you know?? about niall did you know ???

He leaves his phone in front of him on the counter next to the sink, staring down at it like it's a time bomb while his hands grip the edges harshly. His knuckles are whitening and his eyes feel wet as gazes at the phone conversation, the blue bubble still only saying 'delivered'. Harry hasn't seen it yet.

He almost jumps out of his skin when one of the toilette stalls open and flinches, hiding his face behind a hand, scratching at his hairline.

"Louis?" The female voice is familiar and Louis damns the school's gender-neutral bathrooms for the moment. The brunette walks up to the sink, washing her hands.

"Oh. Hey, Jas, hey," he says, coughing awkwardly and wipes his eyes as inconspicuously as he can manage. She notices it though, because she eyes him carefully through the mirror, frowning.

"Oh, Lou. Are you okay?" she says once she realizes he's almost crying.

"Yeah, fine." His voice is thick, though, nose stuffy.

She looks at him with concern. "No, you're not... Louis, is everything okay?"

"Yes, Jasmine. I'm good, alright."

"Louis," she sighs, and takes a few steps closer. She leans on the counter next to him, arm brushing his as she meets his gaze through the mirror. "Is there anything I can do?"

No, there certainly is not. There's nobody who can fix this. Louis angles his face away from hers, not wanting her to see how broken he feels.

"Hey," she murmurs, voice warm and kind. "Louis, you can trust me. I just want to help."

"I just... I'm." He rubs a hand over his face. He's just so tired of everything. He needs a fucking break, but there's no time for that. There's no fucking break from life.

Louis' phone buzzes on the counter.

Know what?? Lou is everything ok

Louis just wants to go home.

He feels light fingers brush over his hand and he looks up at the mirror again. Jasmine's hand is covering his softly, but her eyes are trained on the screen of Louis' phone. Louis quickly snatches his hand away, picking up the device from the counter in an instant.

He feels relieved. Harry doesn't know. Surely that's not how you answer a text message you understand? Harry's not a good liar, even through texts he somehow manages to remain unconvincing. Louis would like to think Harry wouldn't do that to him anyway. In the slightest chance that Louis does have... you know, he would like to think that he hasn't got it for someone who would do something like this to him. Even if it's Harry Styles. But Louis doesn't. So, it's whatever.

"I'll just..." He coughs. "I'll see you later, Jas."

He quickly walks out of the loo, pushing the door open and leaving Jasmine in front of the sinks. He almost flinches when there's someone just about to open the door on the other side. Louis wants to sink through the floor. Zayn is in front of him.

They don't say anything. The look, however, that Louis sends the other lad is enough. He knows his face is flushed, eyes red-rimmed and eyelashes wet, but he scowls. His eyes are filled with blatant hatred. It's not Zayn's fault, but Louis' frustration is unrestrained.

Hepushes past him, shoulders colliding painfully. It should happen in slowmotion, like it would in a film. It doesn't though – it's just hard andterrible. Zayn doesn't say anything, but Louis might as well have.

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