Chapter 5.2

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Louis doesn't hear from Harry for the rest of the break after New Years Eve. He left the party a couple of hours later, Niall finding him somewhere in the living room. He didn't see Harry for the rest of the party either, figuring the other boy stayed upstairs or went back to wherever he was before he appeared in the bathroom.

Louis spends the last week off mostly resting up, playing FIFA at Niall's and seeing Liam a couple of times. He goes on a few jogs, but tries not to think too much about his usual work out schedule. He also actually starts teaching Lottie how to drive. The first two lessons they do nothing but sit in an abandoned parking lot, trying to get Lottie to actually get the car moving. It happens, if quite jerkily, but results in an engine breakdown when she loses the clutch. It's kind of hilarious and they end up laughing more than anything, even if Lottie finds it frustrating.

Niall comes along a few times and he's actually quite helpful as Lottie carefully swerves around the parking lot.

"I think we should try driving down the small road by the woods," he suggests. "You're ready, Lots."

"Really?" she says. "Louis hasn't let me do anything else than this for days."

Well, Louis is pretty sure that he is not even allowed to be teaching somebody how to drive. Getting caught, or you know, dying, isn't exactly ideal

"Yeah, come on. Nobody ever drives there. It'll be fine. Louis?"

"Fine," he sighs. "But I'm driving over there. Switch."

Lottie rolls her eyes, but nevertheless complies.

It ends up being fine. Louis is still worried the owner of the small road will pop up, which wouldn't be pleasant, it being private property and all. However, they're alone, and Lottie drives up and down the dirt road, practicing stopping and starting over and over again.

"Lots," Louis says after several painfully abrupt stops. "If you let up on the brake just a little bit after you've pressed down, the stop isn't going to be nearly as close to breaking my neck."

"Sorry," she laughs. She starts the car again, drives onwards a few yards and then slows. "Like this?"

"Better," Louis nods, only rubbing his chest from where the seatbelt has been cutting into it a little bit. "Maybe we should actually start checking up the rules for practice driving."

"Nobody's gonna see us, Lou. Chill out a bit, it's fine."

Louis sends Niall a glare over his shoulder, in the process noticing the phone in his hands. "Is that my phone?"

"No –"

"Give it!" Shit.

"It's not your phone, it's –"

Louis rips it out of his hands, heart pumping quickly. He turns it over in his hand, realizing that no, it is not in fact his phone. Relief instantly fills him, and he lets out the big breath he held.

"What's wrong with you?" Niall asks, matter-of-factly.

"Nothing. Oof!" He rubs his chest, eyes glancing at Lottie who's looking focused on the road in front of her. He gives Niall a sheepish look. "Sorry," he mumbles.

"What did you think I was doing? Looking through your texts? Since when do you even write anything interesting anyway? The last thing I'd want to read is your football schedules that you send everyone on the team. Yes, I know about those. The lads on the team hate them, did you know that?" Niall rolls his eyes. "And since when do we have secrets – Ooof! Lottie!"


Louis swallows, guiltily turning the phone over in his hand. "Sorry. I don't know what came over me," he says abashedly. "Wait. What were you doing then? This is Lottie's phone."

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