Chapter 7.2

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Louis spends most of the remaining day with Harry, which is something he really shouldn't because what he should be doing is apologizing to Niall and making sure they're okay.

Instead he takes a long shower with Harry, grants his last wish, and they fall back in bed to sleep an extra hour. Harry doesn't say anything about Niall again, which Louis is immensely grateful for. Jay is working during the day, but Louis can hear Lottie downstairs when he wakes up from their nap. He doesn't want to talk to her right now though, would rather stay sleeping and ignore all his problems forever.

Harry is in some kind of place between sleep and consciousness, eyelids fluttering softly now and then, naked shoulders heaving against the mattress and cheek pushed against the pillow as Louis watches on, frowning, disgruntled.

He doesn't know what he's supposed to do. There's a little voice in the back of his head yelling 'no, no, no' every time he even thinks about driving over Niall's. There's another voice begging him to just 'stay, stay, stay' in bed all day with Harry. He doesn't have to work today, but he knows eventually he'll have to get up and get his shit together. Talk to Lottie, talk to Niall, kick Harry out of bed because this habit of him making a home out of Louis' bed is getting out of hand... Communication sucks.

There's a knock on the door.

"No," Louis groans to himself, squeezing his eyes shut for a second. He can feel Harry shifting next to him. Louis reaches a hand out and places it on his bicep. Don't move, don't say anything, just be still. Stay. Or something.

There's another knock.

"What?" Louis calls, keeping his hand on Harry.

"Louis, we've got to go shopping. There's no food!" Lottie's voice sounds normal. Louis doesn't feel normal. Everything is twisted and wrong.

"Are you sure?" he asks, voice muffled against the pillow.

"Yes, idiot. Get out of bed and out here. Leaving in ten, come on."

He can hear her faint footsteps retreating from the door, and he sinks back into the sheets.

Twisted. Wrong. Stupid.

Shopping. Food. Nay.

"Why do you think so much?"

Louis opens his eyes, finding Harry staring at him with his green, crystal clear, big eyes. Some fucking fairytale, isn't he? Louis almost scoffs out loud.

"My life isn't exactly easy, is it?"

"You're making it much more complicated than it has to be."

"Just... just go back to sleep, Harry. "

Surprisingly, Harry does as told.

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