Chapter 3.3

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The next two months pass by in a blur, generally in the same manner. Louis hooks up with Harry on a pretty regular basis, most often when Harry corners him in the empty locker room and invites himself over to Louis' house the nights when his mum's working the shift, or when she isn't home during free periods, or twice, the back of his car. If they want to go all the way though, Louis' house is a prime choice.

Louis' got a packet of lube and condoms in his wallet everywhere he goes, because he's learned that Harry indeed is some kind of insatiable monster. Not that Louis isn't using the opportunity, because he is, but he used to be a bit classier about it... in the beginning at least.

October 27th

Louis: hi

Harry: what

Louis: do you want to meet up?

Harry: is this your polite way of inviting me to a sex orgy

Louis: no.

Harry: are you sure

Louis: yes

Harry: why are you texting then

Harry: ??

Harry: weak. Just ask me if you want to do it

Louis: Okay?

Harry: so....?

Louis: so?

Harry: Jesus fuck should I bring a bottle of lube after footie practice or not

Louis: oh my god

Louis: yes

November 9th

Louis: do you want to meet me

Harry: why

Louis: because...?

Harry: because ?

Louis: you know

Harry: I don't

Louis: quit it

Harry: you're such a baby

Harry: your house 9:30pm

November 21st

Louis: wanna fuck?

Harry: damn way to be classy...

Louis: you're such a dickhead

Harry: but you like me ☺

Louis: my house during lunch period. No bs.

Harry: can't wait sweetheart

Louis: fuck off

November 22nd

Harry: fuck?

Louis: I fucked you yesterday where is the patience why do you love me so much

Harry: ????

Louis: see you in 10

November 30th

Louis: ?

Harry: !

There are only about a handful of times Louis has instigated a meet-up, but he thinks that might only be since Harry is constantly keeping him on his toes, knowing that the boy is some sort of wild animal that can come at him at any time of day, whenever, and wherever. Apart from in public, that is. Louis is actually the only one of them being civil here. Harry can randomly grab him and pull him into a closet when he least expects it. At least Louis asks permission if he's going to give Harry a handjob.

In conclusion, Louis' pretty well fucked these days. And he's, like, good at it. Harry tends to come first, and both of their stamina has definitely improved, so he counts that as a success. He thinks his abs have gotten a bit more prominent these days too. He'll ask Lottie about it.

Ever since the porn incident, that video's been a thought hiding in the back of his head every time he hooks up with Harry. He's watched those videos a lot by himself, and it's probably the hottest thing he's seen. Girl porn is okay, but... those videos are something else.


Football is going extremely well. They haven't lost a single game this season, which is unheard of in the school team's history. Harry is still a pretentious asshole that Louis regularly wants to kick in the head. He still has the most awful ideas for the team and Louis still has to go out of his way to shut him down. Other than that, things are going kind of great. Louis is working his arse off to make this the best year the team has had so far, and thankfully Harry is putting in lot of effort as well. The lads on the team are very sharp this year, except from when they're dicking around in the locker room, while Louis is deeply focusing on not staring at Harry changing.

That's another thing. He might – might – have come to terms with finding Harry a little bit attractive. It's not like it's a big deal – he could have Harry on his knees for him with the snap of his fingers if he wanted. So.

It's only a month left until Christmas break and the schoolwork is piling up. Louis is constantly busy, having football practice, matches, homework, a job, and also a Harry to keep content. He's actually found that the more often they fuck, the easier it is to manipulate Harry into going with his decisions about the football team. His mood is usually that much better when he isn't "suffering from sexual frustration" as he's put it when he's texted Louis a few times.

"Why are you plotting Harry's death?" Niall asks him at lunch. It's Friday.

"What?" Louis scoffs.

"You're glaring. Not that that's unusual," Niall adds under his breath, and Louis sends him an indignant look. "You're hating him through your eyes. What did he do?"

"Nothing. I don't need a reason," Louis hisses, crossing his arms. Harry's currently standing on top of his lunch table, reenacting that time he was a total idiot.

"Is it because he scored two goals at the last away game and you only scored one?"

"No," Louis scoffs. Please. Louis doesn't get hung up on those things. Silly.

"Is it because he's dancing to Grease right now?"

"Grease is my favorite movie!" He exclaims, throwing his hands out. "He's making fun of it!"

"I doubt he remembers that you played Danny Zuko in eighth grade," Niall says lamely, chewing on his chips.

"Oh, please," Louis sneers, standing from the table. He hangs his bag over his shoulder, stalking away towards the exit. He walks by Harry's table, sending him a glare in passing. He's currently doing the hand jive.

"Hey!" Harry calls behind him, and Louis spins around.

"Please don't speak to me, you're disrespecting the entire Grease community with your dancing, and I am repulsed."

Harry chuckles. "Grease community," he says under his breath, and jumps down from the table. He puts his hands on his hips, starting to make the moves to 'You're the one that I want' towards him.

"I'm going to gag," Louis says. Why is he doing that. "Please stop, you're embarrassing the entire school."

"Why don't you show me how to do it then?" Harry asks cheekily, and Louis can see a few lads from the team and a couple of Harry's friends laugh. Harry leans in, whispering, "I know you can roll your hips..."

Louis gives him an affronted look, pulling back. "And if you don't stop, you won't know what that feels like anymore." He backs away, heading for the exit.

Niall catches up with him in the hallway. "I don't really understand what your deal is, but the two of you really seem to love hating each other."

"The only thing I love about Harry is that I don't have to be in his presence again until the match tonight."

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