Chapter 6.2

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Louis contemplates not going to school. He doesn't think he'll make it to the end of the day, the big knot of angst in his stomach making him unable to think. He briefly considers waiting in the car all day outside Lottie's school, just to make sure she doesn't go anywhere after classes so he can get a hold of her first. Even though she promised not to tell, he hasn't told her that nobody knows about this, and that means Niall too. Louis wouldn't put it past his sister to text him, asking why the hell she's the last to know.

Fuck, Louis feels horrible. Keeping this from Niall in particular makes him feel almost nauseas. Despite how much he's tried to pretend that this isn't a big thing, it's starting to settle in just how fucking big it actually is. He's pretended this Harry thing is just make believe, and as long as nobody knew, even when Harry's mum knew, it didn't feel important. But it is. He face plants into the steering wheel, trying to breathe in a normal pace. Doesn't work.

He almost drives to the fro-yo shop instead, but he receives a text just before he starts the car.

Where the hell are you dickface, it reads. It's from Niall of course. Homeroom started five minutes ago

Shit, fuck, ugh. He's been submitting to the crisis for way too long. Sit up, he orders himself. Start the car and drive to school.

He does as he tells himself and when he finally arrives at the school, he's come to the decision to ignore everything inconvenient and pretend nothing ever happened. He's a good actor; he can put up a façade. If Niall has found out then it's just a matter of time before he kicks his arse, so it doesn't really matter how long Louis prolongs meeting him.

He makes it to school just as the homeroom period ends, students filling the big hallway on the way to their lockers. Louis follows the stream, walking to his locker to leave his bag and fetch books for sociology class. He realizes that Harry's in that class and even though he knows deep down that Niall wouldn't tell anyone what he knew if he found out, he's still terribly paranoid. He doesn't really want to be near Harry, considering even the football coach could tell their relationship is different.

He takes a seat next to Stan in the back, positioning himself as far away from Harry as possible. Several people are crowding around Harry at the moment, mostly girls but a few of his friends for some reason, too, and Louis once again has to quell the paranoia sizzling in his chest. If people knew they would be crowding around him, too. Harry probably just said something "funny" (a lame joke that's really just pretentious, or so bad people felt like they needed to humor him) before Louis walked in.

The teacher starts the lecture and Louis focuses so hard on what she's saying that he doesn't hear Stan talking to him until he pokes him in the ribs harshly.

"What? I'm taking notes," he says in annoyance.

"So, what are you planning for today?" There's a glint in his eye, and Louis feels like he's missing out on something. He's too uptight to indulge though, so he fixes his eyes on the powerpoint Ms. Marin is using.

"I don't know, nothing," he mutters, shrugging. He senses the awkward look Stan gives him, but he doesn't give a shit right now.

When class finally ends, he takes his time packing up, letting Stan leave first. He stuffs his books in his bag before putting it on, double strapping. He feels a hand on his shoulder when the room is empty, save the teacher. He looks up, almost starting when he sees that it's Harry. Jesus, he thinks. He's a nervous wreck.

"No trouble, gentlemen," the teacher says, holding up a finger when she sees it's only Styles and Tomlinson left in the room. Louis rolls his eyes and Harry makes an indignant face at her turned back.

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