Chapter 3.6

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Louis is in the yard playing with the girls when his phone buzzes in his pocket. For some reason he always forgets to put the sound on after muting it, and he nearly constantly ends up keeping it off. He's not sure who it could be, though. Niall knows he's busy with the girls the whole weekend and the rest of his friends are more texting types. He brings his phone out, raising a surprised brow at the caller ID.

"Why didn't you call me yesterday?" Harry's voice says as soon as Louis' tapped the green button on the screen.

"Why are you calling me now, is the question," he replies in confusion. "Why would I call you?"

"Are you serious? So you were just going to rile me up before the match and then just not fuck me?" Harry says, completely incredulous.

Louis is lost. Harry was riled up? He expected Louis to fuck him yesterday? Like, Harry has expectations on their sex life now? "I wasn't aware we had rules. Were you waiting up for a booty call all night, or?" He can't help but let out a cackle.

"Yes?" Harry says, as if it's something so obvious that Louis should have known. "You text me once your sister's asleep, that's what you do. How've you not caught on yet? Christ, I knew you were slow, but..."

"Right," Louis says, still not quite following Harry's logic.



"Are you going to come over then?" he sighs, making it sound like Louis is a million years behind in his calculations.

"I can't this weekend."

There's a moment of silence. "What."


"What do you mean 'can't'?"

"As in cannot. Don't have time. Am busy."

There's another beat of silence. "Are you serious?!" Harry hisses.

"Yes," Louis says, rolling his eyes at Harry's dramatics. "I can't this weekend. Stop being a drama queen and suck your own cock."

Harry must be the best person in the world at giving silences that scream a million words at once.

"Fine." He's pissed. "If you don't have time, why should I give you time ever again?"

He ends the call with a click, and Louis feels slightly shocked at his behavior, but also not very surprised. Harry has complained about immense sexual frustration before, Louis just wasn't aware it made him this pissy. He's been annoyed at Louis before for not complying with his plans, but it's never been quite like this. Louis rolls his eyes, part of him already dreading Monday and facing Harry's wrath.

He can't help but snort at that.

The rest of the weekend goes well. They take the girls to the park for the afternoon, and he and Lottie play with them on the playground while their mother sets up the picnic they brought. The weather is chilly, but he twins are full of energy and Louis finds he can barely keep up. He's been so tired lately, always so much he needs to do and he doesn't get nearly enough sleep.

Louis' got a football to juggle with while the twins continue on the swings with Lottie. He's at seventy-one bounces on his feet when the late lunch is ready, and they all fall down in a heap on the blanket Jay's laid out.

They take the stroll through town on their way back. Phoebe and Daisy take turns getting a piggyback ride, and they casually discuss dinner options as they walk. Lottie is going through a risotto recipe from her memory when Louis' eyes catch on a shiny car at the end of the street. It's in silver, sleek, and a woman is standing by the hood, arms crossed. Her hair is dark and she's in a long wool coat. Though she's far away, Louis can see the tension in her posture. It's Harry's mum, of course.

"Err, why don't we go this way?" he says, heading to cross the street. "We can walk past the store and buy some ingredients, yeah?"

He feels awkward, because the woman down the street doesn't have a clue to who he is and yet he's avoiding her like the plague. He once again wonders how Harry stands his parents. They do seem okay separately, but together they make Louis' head ache and that's only after two short-lived encounters. The ambience in his house must be toxic. Louis doesn't even want to imagine Sunday night supper in their fancy dining room.

Louis' family doesn't seem to mind, though, and he steers them to the other side of the road.

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