THIRTEEN. let's skip to the good bit

Start from the beginning

"I'm your dad. It's my job to be worried about you."

Rory playfully rolled her eyes and stepped out of the car, her duffle bad slinging over her shoulder and she poked her head inside the car.

"Love you."

"Love you too, Aurora."

Rory stepped away from the car, taking the hair tie off her wrist and grabbed her hair, placing it into a ponytail and dropped her duffel bag inside the dojo.

She stepped outside with the others and one by one, more Miyagi-Do members showed up and the sun just kept rising and burning down on the group of teens.

"Oh, God." Demetri panted, "It's so hot out. I'm sweating in places I didn't even know I had pores."

"Demetri... Please shut up." Rory muttered, "Opening your mouth isn't helping with the heat."

Demetri turned, "Oh, my breath is hot? How about I just" He pushed himself off of Sam and closer to Rory, "talk right in your face? Does this help?"

Rory pushed the boys face away and rested her head against her knees.

Soon, Mr. LaRusso stepped outside and told the group to get out from under the tree and that it was time to work.

"Mr. LaRusso, it's like 100 degrees out." Robby panted, "Can't we take it easy today?"

"Are you kidding? This heat wave is a gift. Today, you are going to experience Shochu-Geiko."

"Like the car insurance?" Chris asked.

"Shochu-Geiko is a Japanese exercise where you train during the hottest days of the year." Mr. LaRusso explained, "It's about pushing yourself to your limit. The fight isn't always gonna come when it's 75 degrees and breezy."

"Thought you wanted us to avoid fighting." Rory spoke.

"Sometimes you can't. Someday, the fight may come to you. And I wanna make sure you're ready." Mr. LaRusso said, "So, today, we're gonna see what Miyagi-Do is made of."

And Daniel put them to work. From working in the heat to working in a walk-in freeze, they worked. They worked until Mr. LaRusso called it quits and rushed out the freezer.

Nightfall soon came and Rory had been dropped off at the LaRusso until a stable ride was able to pick her up.

Layla was working a little too far to pick Rory up at a decent hour, Belle was hanging out with Moon until late into the night, and Jack was only, according to him, 15 minutes away... which meant his was most likely making his way up the driveway.

So, she would get ready to go and said her goodbyes to everyone and stepped outside and made her way towards the LaRusso's at home dojo where Robby had been staying.

She gently knocked on the door and opened it to find Robby folding one of his shirts.

"Oh, this is quite homey." She smiled, "I almost didn't believe Sam."

Robby smiled at the sound of her voice and turned.


"I mean... you've got a bed and everything here. I would live." She joked.

She stepped further into the room. She had changed into a different set of clothes and her hair had been brushing her shoulders. The heat had definitely died down and it wasn't freezing cold, it felt pretty good out.

"So, what did you like better today?" He asked, "The heat or the cold?"

"Ah, if I had to choose... I'd go with the cold." She smiled, "Can't always get that in California. It's different. What about you?"

✓ delicate ミ robby keene [COMPLETED UNTIL SEASON 6]Where stories live. Discover now