The Next Step

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"We should go tomorrow, it's too late tonight"Loona noted as she walked behind the oriental divider getting ready to go to bed.

"You going to bed? Night I guess." Riot muttered getting ready to pull the bed out of the couch.

"Hey, how about we try something new?" Loona suggested as she poked her head around the divider looking a Riot still changing into her sleepwear, "We've known each other for a while and are kinda a thing now, maybe we sleep together? If you want to of course."

Riot stood there for a second thinking about it then proceeded to let go of the handle and answered, "If its what you want, its cool with me."

After waiting for loona to get changed, she told Riot its ok to come over as he took off his jacket laying it on the armrest of the couch now only in jeans and a white t-shirt where a healed knife wound could now be seen just above the collarbone of the right side of his neck. After walking around the divider, Loona already laying down on the right side of the bed waited for Riot to join her. As he laid down next to her see noticed the wound on his neck.

"What happened to your neck?" Loona asked point to the wound almost touching it.

"Hmph? Oh that. Guess I got stabbed before i died or was the cause of my death I don't know," Riot answered as he settled down, "you know, your the first person I shared a bed in my life, guess afterlife now..."

Loona chuckled then looked back at Riot, "got a question."
Riot replied "what's up?"

Loona asked "Why did want to go by riot and not you real name?"

Riot looked down at the sheets, "I mostly disowned my family, they cared about themselves instead of the family. They wanted nothing to do with me, acted like a was a complete stranger, so I stopped being Jonathan, and started being like myself today."

"But your uncle was the only one to keep contact with you huh?" Loona replied

"Yeah, about a year ago though we stopped talking to each other when he was charged with murder. He swore he was innocent but the evidence was solid." Riot added, "he was due for release the day i died actually..."

"You think he could've-" Loona asked

"He wouldn't, we weren't on good terms but we didn't hate each other," Riot interrupted, "Im just afraid to return to him." 

Riot layed his down on the pillow and stared at the ceiling.

"Look, you should talk to him. There nothing to be afraid of. I be there with you." Replied Loona moving closer to Riot to cuddle up against him.

"Maybe your right but it feels too soon... I don't know what to even say." Riot muttered

"It needs to be done." Loona stated still cuddled against Riot.

"Your right. We should get some sleep." Riot continued closing his eyes, "night."

"Night," Loona mumbled as she repositioned her head in a more comfortable position on Riot and closed her eyes to go asleep.


Released this chapter solo as it will be needed to understand future plot point in later chapters, so enjoy

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