Deadmen Walking

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Back in the Living World

"So you let him go back?" K.I.L.0 - 2 asked, "how do you know he won't just tell them?"

"Said the right things. Mentioning his girlfriend worked like you said." Danny answered sitting down and a terminal with K.I.L.0 - 2 standing behind him

"Figured it would he seems like the sensitive type " K.I.L.0 - 2 commented, "Only one problem though."

"Whats that?" Danny asked looking back at K.I.L.0 - 2

"I was able to get the last section of recording Kilo recorded before going dark he was seen with a bounty target of the name of 'Kel' a sinner. There was this woman with him too answering to 'Loona." K.I.L.0 - 2 explained

"That son of bitch." Danny muttered, "can you get the recording onto this computer?"

"Yes. It will take a while though." K.I.L0 - 2 answered

"Get to it then. I want to the deadman walking." Danny muttered get out of the chair letting K.I.L.0 - 2 take over

Two hours later

"Whats taking so long?" Danny asked as he paced around the room

"Getting around the firewalls my superiors set up takes time." K.I.L.0 - 2 answered turning around in the chair, "It wasn't exactly meant to be easy to get into"

"Well hurry up..." Danny muttered as K.I.L.0 - 2 turned back around to face the computer

"Your superiors... what did they want with Jonathan?" Danny asked

"We told you that. We needed to know where the book is at." K.I.L.0 - 2

"So how do we get it since its in Hell?" Danny asked as he stopped behind K.I.L.0 - 2 looking at screen

"Since we can't get Kilo to make contact we are going to have to a get local to retrieve it for a fee." K.I.L0 - 2 explained

"Got someone in mind?" Danny asked

"Yes. He won't ask questions if he's paid enough." K.I.L.0 - 2 answered, "theres you recording have fun."

As K.I.L.0 - 2 got and left the room he mentioned, "I'll contact them and get the payment ready for his job."

"Ok." Danny muttered as he sat down at the terminal and looked at the footage then sighed

Danny watched the recording of Kel and Loona catch Riot as he collapsed. He stopped on a frame where Kels face where his eye was clearly gone was visible and muttered, "fuck... should've guessed you help them."


Back In Hell


Kel was sitting at the front desk, Kilo was on couch and Millie and Moxxie were at Riot desk when Kels phone went off

Kel looked at phone and mentioned, "Riots back. Loona just texted that he was awake when she got back to her place"

Getting Kilo attention he said, "that was quicker that I thought it was going to take."

"Its been almost 2 weeks." Kel added

"Time moves differently here. On Earth its probably only been two days." Kilo commented, "they must've got what they wanted."

Haunting Past | Helluva Boss Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora