Complicated Feelings

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After leaving the bar, Riot and Loona headed back to Imp City silently walking with each other both in deep thought about their feelings for each other.

After 10 minutes of silence, Loona spoke up asking, "Soo.... What made it obvious about.... You know?..."

Pulled back into reality Riot answered, "I don't know.... I just felt-" Not knowing how to put it into words, "...I don't know how to describe it."

Loona looked at Riot for a second then quickly turning her attention towards the sidewalk infront of her. Turning a corner she mentioned, "We're not far... at the end of this block."

Five minutes later

After unlocking the door to the apartment Loona and Riot walked in and shut the door.

Loona pointed to the small kitchen that sat to the right of the door saying, "there's the kitchen if you need anything." Then proceeding to walk into the living that made up most of apartment with a oriental screen divider with a bed a  in the corner of the room with a bathroom opposite the kitchen,then turning around to face Riot, "theres only the one bed and it'd be a bit weird to sleep together like that, but the couch can fold out into a bed if you okay with that."

Riot nodded at Loona and walked over to the couch pulling the handle to bring the bed out, then sat at the foot of the bed looking at the ground. Riot added, "thanks for giving me a place to stay, I really appreciate it..."

Loona now sitting next to Riot, "hey its no problem. Stay as long as you need." Resting her head on Riots shoulder, the instantly taking it off. "Sorry... got caught in the moment."

"Its fine... but we should get to bed they need us for the target tomorrow." Riot muttered.

"Alright..." Loona mumbled as she got up and walked around and behind the divider.

Riot slide onto the bed and laid down getting ready to go to sleep. And began to think about how the day went. From dying and going to hell, getting a job and having something falling in love with him. He silently chuckled to himself, "Helluva first day." He thought closing his eyes and falling asleep




"I.... Did-nt m-m-mean too..." a little child cried out.

Riot jolts out of sleep breathing heavily. After recomposing himself he looks over at a note left by Loona on the arm of the couch picking it up and reading it
"Went out to the store be back in a bit"

Riot sighed and got out of the bed and folded the bed back into the couch. Riot sat in contemplation about his dream not able to remember much from that day except the worst part. As he sat there his memory was blocking out who was with him nothing to identify.

Then the door was unlocked then opened with Loona walking in with two bags one with groceries and the other with a couple of boxes. "You finally awake? Bout time" Loona remarked.

"How long was I out?" Riot questioned

"About a day. You must've been tired." Loona answered

" A day? damn... Blitz get the target?" Asked Riot

"It was a bit of a shit show. Moxxie fucked up, Blitz got shot, but they were able to kill her. You missed the cake." Loona answered

"Damn that bad? Fuck me... at least its done i guess." Riot commented.

"Oh yeah here.." Loona said tossing one of boxes to Riot who almost didn't catch it.

"Whats this?" Riot asked fumbling with the box trying to get it open.

"Its a phone... so we can get in touch with you for work and shit like that... i put Blitz and my number into it for you," Loona answered walking into to kitchen setting the grocery bag down, "We used a little of your cut from that job and some of mine to pay for it."

"Wait why did you use your cash?" Riot wondered

"Cause I felt like it," Loona replied walking over to Riot and sitting down next to him, "think of it as kind of like a gift." nudging Riots shoulder then resting her head on his shoulder.

Riot lifted his arm and hugged Loona, "thank you, is there any I can do in return?" Asked Riot looking down at Loona who just stared ahead.

"Just stay like that... its pretty relaxing...." Loona muttered


Thats the end of this chapter by far my longest so far. I wrote it as skipping the events of The Murder Family episode because I want this chapter to delve into the history and backstory of Riot

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