The Interview

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After Riot crossed the street, he enter the building to see an elevator on the other side of the room entering it. After inputing the floor the elevator went up and the door opened on one side sat a empty room with a big glass window and on the other a office with the words.

Immediate Murder Professionals

Riot opened the door with a bell going off to see a couch in one corner a cubicle on the other and two doors with a desk in between them. One of the doors opened with Millie and Moxxie exiting.

"Hey Blitz! Riots here!" Shouted Millie

The other door opened and a tall imp with a big white mark on his face.

Blitz introduced himself, "the name blitz, the o is silent"

"Riot, but looks like you know that" replied Riot

"Yeah... Mills told me but I already have a receptionist so have another job for you" explained Blitz

"Okay. But first what exactly do you do here?" Questioned Riot

" We kill people in the living world obviously!" Answered blitz

"Okay the whats my position?" Replied Riot

"You'll be our Dispatch." Blitz claimed.

"Ok I'm in" answered Riot

"Your desk is with the cubicle" blitz pointed out as he answered his phone returning to his office.

Riot walked over to his desk and sat down messing with the computer learning how to navigate it.

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