12. 𝔸 ℕ𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕥 𝕥𝕠 ℝ𝕖𝕞𝕖𝕞𝕓𝕖𝕣

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Stepping out of my uncle's cozy café, Ashton and I made our way to the Italian spot I'd been buzzing about all week. The night air was cool and refreshing, the streetlights casting a warm glow on the cobblestone streets. Turns out, it was just a hop, skip, and a jump away, which was perfect for our little adventure.

As we strolled down the moonlit streets, Ashton's hand found mine, sending a wave of butterflies on a wild ride through my stomach. I couldn't help but beam at his sweet gesture. He was dressed casually in a white shirt that highlighted his broad shoulders and dark jeans that fit him perfectly. His tousled hair and that charming smile made him look effortlessly handsome.

We arrived at the restaurant to a warm welcome from a cheery waiter who escorted us to a stunning table right at the heart of the place. The ambiance was something out of a fairy tale—dim lights, soft music, and an air of romance that could make anyone's heart flutter. The walls were adorned with vintage Italian posters, and the aroma of garlic and fresh herbs filled the air.

Catching Ashton's gaze, I felt a blush creep up my cheeks. He had that look—you know, the one that makes you feel like you're the only person in the world.

"What's got you all shy all of a sudden?" Ashton teased, his eyes sparkling with mischief.

"Ah, it's nothing," I mumbled, suddenly finding my hands super interesting.

"Come on, spill the beans," he pressed, his smile impossible to resist.

"Okay, okay... It's just, when you look at me like that, I turn into a tomato," I confessed, my face now matching the color of one.

Ashton laughed, a sound that warmed me right up. "Well, I can't help it. You're breathtaking," he said, reaching for my hand across the table.

Our orders were placed—his a hearty spaghetti Aglio Olio and mine, a creamy Carbonara. As we waited, we dove into a sea of light-hearted banter and shared giggles that made everyone else in the room disappear.

Leaning closer, Ashton whispered, "Being with you... it's the highlight of my day."

My heart did a little dance. "I feel the same," I whispered back.

The food arrived, and every bite was a taste of heaven. The cozy, intimate setting, coupled with the soft tunes in the background, made for a perfect evening. The flickering candlelight on our table added a magical touch, casting a warm glow on Ashton's face.

Ashton, ever the joker, quipped, "I've discovered a new favorite Italian dish tonight."

"Oh? And what's that?" I played along, curious.

"Your smile. It's the star of the show," he declared, sending me into a fit of blushing and laughter.

The night was magical, with shared dishes, whispered secrets, and laughter that filled the air. We continued to enjoy our meal and each other's company. Sometimes Ashton would feed me a bite of his food, and I would do the same for him.

I couldn't help but feel a flutter in my stomach every time my fingers brushed against his.

The time flew by, and before we knew it, it was time to leave. Ashton paid the bill, and we both stood up to leave.

Walking back, Ashton's hand in mine felt like the most natural thing in the world.

"Tonight was amazing. Thank you," Ashton said as we neared my uncle's café, his eyes sincere.

"Me too. Let's do it again soon?" I suggested, hopeful.

"I'd love nothing more," he replied, his grin wide.

Bittersweet Love • Sacrifice • Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora