Chapter 43

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„Who's the guy over there? Is he your boyfriend? I need to meet him first-" „N-no he's not!" Reiko blushed, hiding her face in her hands.

„Are you sure? He looked at you the entire time..." he said, tapping his chin.

„Because you're next to me!" Reiko said, shaking her brother.

„Oh, yeah. I'm kinda famous here..." Suna said, laughing awkwardly. „You really forgot? You're impossible." Reiko sighed, rolling her eyes.

„Reiko, hey bestie!" a group of three girls came up to the two.

Suna frowned as he looked at his sister. One of the three girl used to bully Reiko.

„What do you want." Reiko growled, glaring at the three.

„I wanna hang out with my best friend!" the blonde girl answered, looking like the leader of the group.

„Oh! Suna Rintarou, didn't see you there sir~" the girl said in a flirty tone.

„Uh yeah that's me..." Suna said, looking at the two girls behind the blonde.

They seemed to blush while looking down at their feet.

„And you two are..?" he asked the two. One had red and the other brown hair.

„Mizumi" the one stuttered. „Akegi" the other one said, clearly being shy.

„Do you guys want an autograph?" Suna asked the two, smiling faintly.

„That would be very nice!" the one said, getting a black pen out of her bag and handing it to Suna.

The two girl handed him a photo and looked fascinated at how he signed it.

„But don't tell anyone, okay?" Suna said, smirking.

Mizumi and Akegi looked like they're gonna faint as Suna smirked at them.

„C-could we take a picture?" Mizumi asked, closing one eye, afraid of what he would say.

„Sure" Suna shrugged, lowering him to the height of the first girl and hugging her with one arm from the side while smiling.

Reiko scrunched her nose, looking at the happening with disgust. What did people see in her brother?

„I need to go now. Have fun Reiko. You too, Mizumi and Akegi." Suna said, nodding towards the girls, ignoring the blonde completely.

He sighed as he started walking towards the city, deciding to get something for his team and himself before going to practice.

After some minutes he was walking trough the busy streets of the city, not really paying attention.

Just then he bumped into someone, almost making them fall. But his strong arms held the person before they fell.

„I'm terribly sorry. I wasn't paying attention. Oh, your drink-" Suna stuttered as he looked up and saw the woman he talked with yesterday night.

They woman looked into his eyes and a slight dust of pink could be noticed on her cheeks.

„Uh- it's fine, i wasn't paying attention either." the woman said, taking a tissue out of her purse and starting to clean off her bluse.

„No, let me invite you to go eat somewhere. As a sorry for this and as a thank you for yesterday." he said.

„I-if you insist." the woman smiled brightly at Suna. He just looked at her. The woman started blushing slightly but Suna didn't notice it.

„I need to go now. Was nice seeing you again!" the woman smiled, ready to leave.

„Wait. Here's my number." Suna said, handing the woman a little paper.

The woman nodded, smiling. She turned around and disappeared in the crowd.

„I'm home." the sound of a door opening and closing was heard and Suna waited for his sister to show up in the living room.

„How was your day?" Suna asked as Reiko let fall herself on the couch next to him, groaning.

„Mizumi and Ageki thanked me the entire time for letting them take a picture with you. That doesn't make any sense but i didn't really care about it much. The people were annoying and stupid and i'm happy to be home." Reiko explained, closing her eyes, ready to sleep.

Suna chuckled, shaking his head. Suddenly his phone rang. He picked his phone up, seeing it was Osamu calling.

„Hey" Suna said as he accepted the call. „Hey man, how are you? I just wanted to tell you i'm gonna be there at your next match and i thought we could go hang after your match." Osamu said.

He and Suna still were best friend even if that happened with Y/n. They searched for her together but Osamu had his business and he needed to focus on that.

Every now and then he checked up on Suna so he would stay alive.

„I guess i'm fine, and yeah that's cool with me..." Suna answered as he covered Reiko with a blanket and went into the kitchen.

„Try not to think to much about her. We will find her one day." Osamu said, knowing Suna very well.

„Yeah, yeah." Suna sighed, running a hand trough his hair.

„Alright, i need to go. Stay alive." Osamu said, hanging up.

Just as Suna wanted to put his phone on the kitchen counter he became a notification.

Hey, i'm the
woman with
that you talked
today about going
to eat with her :)

Nice, what's
your name?

Oh right sorry!
I didn't even
tell you my name.
Lorei Hazemi.

Cool, Suna

You're the volleyball
player, right?

Yes i am.

That's nice!
My friend
is a fan of volleyball.
But she's always
hardworking so she
doesn't really have
time to watch any games.
I think the team
you're on is her
favorite team!

Really? That's nice

Maybe you'll meet her

Yeah would be

I need to go now!


Suna sighed as he let his phone sink. „Oh yeah right i need to go to school with Reiko to talk with her teacher this friday..." he mumbled, groaning.

He still had a feeling something would happen.

He looked to the clock on the wall. „Shenaya's taking really long. Why does she need my car exactly? She could call an uber..."

An: I'm sorry it took so long to update!

It would be nice if you would vote!
Have a nice day/night! 🩷✨

𝑶𝑵𝑳𝒀 𝒀𝑶𝑼 / 𝑺𝑼𝑵𝑨 𝑹.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon