Chapter 28

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It was the next day and everyone was eating their breakfasts. Y/n sat with Kuroo, Bokuto, Akaashi, Kenma and a guy apparently called Tsukishima.

« Today's your first match of you guys, how do you feel? » Y/n asked. « I think our team is pretty motivated right now so i think we'll win. » Kuroo said, grinning.

Y/n chuckled and looked at Akaashi and Bokuto. « I'm pretty fit today and i have much energy so we'll win of course! » Bokuto said. Akaashi just nodded.

« And you? » Y/n asked Tsukishima. The blonde guy just shrugged. « I don't know. We have pretty much new tricks that we started learning before this camp so i think we'll probably lose most of the matches... » Tsukishima said.

« Hmm » Y/n hummed. « Well, i wish you all good luck and much fun. But don't beat my team tho. » Y/ n winked, standing up and going to the table where her team sat.

« Y/nnn! Where were youuu . » Atsumu whined as she sat down next to Suna. « I was with some of my friends. » Y/n rolled her eyes. Suna breathed out sharp and continued eating his breakfast. Y/n looked at him with a questioning look.

Suna ignored it. « Have you guys seen Mukata somewhere? Where the actual fuck is this girl? » Y/n asked, looking for the second manager. « She's with the captain of Karasuno, Daichi Sawamura. » Kita answered.

„And how do you guys feel?" Y/n asked, trying to encourage her team. „We'll beat their asses!" Atsumu said. Osamu rolled his eyes and Kita chuckled.

After a half hour the team stood on the court, playing against Nekoma. Their team was pretty strong, but Inarizaki wasn't bad neither. Nekoma ended up winning 29-31.

„Great job, guys! You did really well!" Y/n said, handing out the waterbottles. „Thanks Y/n, we all appreciate you encouraging us like this." Kita said, smiling.

Y/n returned the smile and looked at Mukata. „Why don't you give out the towels?" Y/n asked, hoping for help. „Ugh, why can't anyone just leave me alone? Seriously Y/n, you're so annoying! Always a pick me and flirting with everyone and always just showing how great you are! No wonder no one likes you in school." Mukata yelled.

Y/n just stood there, completely shocked. She was just asking for help. For Once. Was it really that much? But, did people really see Y/n like this?

„Y/n, are you alright?" „Don't listen to her!" „Are you stupid? You can't just say things like that you lazy ass bitch!" ... Y/ns vision started to get blurry as tears fell on the ground.

Y/n didn't notice it but she was dragged out of the gym by someone.

This person then wrapped his arms around Y/n and she sobbed into the persons chest. „Not everyone sees you like this, princess..." Suna whispered into her ear.

„But why do people see me like this? Can't they just see how hard i'm working for this to happen?" Y/n asked. „They're just stupid. Don't listen to people like that Y/n. Maybe you didn't took notice of it but the whole team started comforting you and threw words like ‚fuck you' at Mukatas head. I'm pretty sure she's gonna kicked out of the team." Suna said.

„Rin" „Hm?" „Thank you for being here with me all along. No matter if i'm feeling down, you're always helping me. I really appreciate it." Y/n said, smiling weakly.

„No problem. It's my job to stay by your side. My uncle always taught me to support the people i love and help them where i can." Suna said, kissing the top of Y/ns head.

„Could i talk to you today after dinner?" Suna asked. Y/n nodded, hugging Suna.

After a few minutes they made their way back inside and as Y/n entered the gym the whole team was checking up on her.

„Y/n! Are you okay?" „I'm so sorry!" „We're here for you, don't forget that!"

Y/n looked at Suna. He smiled. Y/n smiled back as a ‚You were right'. These were the people that cared about her and she never wanted to let them go.

The day went on just as the matches and Y/n needed to go to the kitchen to cook lunch for the teams.

As she entered the kitchen there were already four other girls. „Oh hello there! You must be Y/n L/n, manager of Inarizaki, am i right?" a very pretty girl with glasses, black hair and blue eyes asked.

„I'm Kiyoko Shimizu and this is Yachi Hitoka. We're the managers of Karasuno. It's nice to meet you!" she smiled slighty. „It's nice to meet you guys too!" Y/n smiled too.

„I'm Yukie Shirofuku and this is Kaori Suzumenda. We're the managers of Fukurodani." A girl with brown hair said, pointing to a taller girl with blonde hair.

Y/n bowed slightly. „It's nice to meet you all!" she said.

The girls started cooking and laughing together. Yukie and Y/n found eachother, being the best duo ever. (But Mei ofc was still Y/n's number one 😌)

„What the actual fuck are you doing? It's a pan! There's nothing that can go wrong with it!" Y/n complained, looking at how Yukie was cooking.

Kaori was wheezing trying to do her part of cooking.

After another half hour the managers somehow managed to get the food done as the volleyball teams entered the cafeteria. They all were like tigers searching for food.

„Would you like some more?" Y/n asked a short, orange haired guy from Karasuno. „N-no thank you! I'm fine!" he said, turning into a tomato immediately. Y/n chuckled lightly and went back on giving food to the other team members.

„She's a real goddess..." A bald guy said to a shorter guy. „I know right? But we need to stay loyal to our goddess Ryu-bro!" the shorter one said. The bald guy nodded enormously.

After lunch the teams went to play volleyball again. After some hours it was time for dinner.

Y/n wondered what Suna wanted to tell her. She ate her dinner quickly and started scrolling trough her phone. She- this time- sat at the table with the managers.

„Could we talk now?" Y/n waited for this question for so long. „Yeah, where do you wanna go?" Y/n asked. „Outside?" Suna said. Y/n nodded in reply and followed Suna.

„So what did you want to talk about-"

„I know we don't know eachother for that long now, but i already trust you. I have already catched feelings for you and i took you out on some dates already. But these day, hours, minutes and seconds were enough for me to know that i want to live the rest if my life with you- with a family. Y/n, you're the only one that can make me happy. So i wanted to ask you if you wanted to be my girlfriend. I love you, Y/n, and only you."


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