Chapter 34

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There will be talk about abuse in this chapter! It starts at „•" and ends at the other „•"! Read at your own risk!

She doesn't need you."

Suna's eyes widened in shock as Kaito said that. But the boy just stood up, took a glance at Suna and went to prepare the drinks.

Suna just looked at the cat in his arms. The green eyes of the cat quickly shined and then he relaxed his eyes again.

„If he starts a war over her i will win it." he mumbled, looking at the door of the toilets.

Just as he hoped a h/c girl came out, smiling as she saw her boyfriend looking at her.

„Did you miss me?" she grinned kissing his forehead before sitting down.

„Mhm" he hummed silently. Suna took out his phone, deciding to text Osamu.

Could i come
over in 20 min?


„Princess." Suna said. „Hmm?" Y/n hummed, looking up. „Is it okay if i'll hang out with Osamu in twenty?" he asked, nervous she would be mad.

Y/n nodded. „Sure! You don't need to ask me if it is okay, what are you guys gonna do?" she asked, smiling.

I really don't deserve her. Suna thought, smiling. „Maybe you wanted to do something with me later, that's why i asked." he shrugged. „I think we will play mario cart." he answered her question.

After ten minutes they decided to pay. „I'll pay." Y/n glared, signaling Kaito to pay. „Don't even think of it." Suna said, taking Y/n's hand so she couldn't move her hand anymore.

„Hell to the yes i will." she smirked, somehow managing to free herself from his grip, giving Kaito the money.

Suna stood up, taking the money from Kaito, giving him his money and giving Y/n's money back to her.

Kaito quickly laughed, shaking his head and bowing, walking away because Suna had given the exact amount of money.

Y/n just pouted, crossing her arms. „Then i'm gonna pay you back in another way." Y/n said as they got out.

„I know a very good idea for a pay back." he smirked, looking her up and down and licking his lips.

„Your dirty ass won't get anything like that, i will buy you jelly fruit sticks." she said, rolling her eyes.

Suna just sighed, looking up to the sky. The words that Kaito had said were lingering in his mind.

Of course, the second he asked Y/n to be his girlfriend he was scared that something might happen to her.

But how did Kaito know about Shenaya? That question was budging Suna the most.

He wanted to talk about it with Osamu. Of course, he trusted Y/n as much as Osamu if not even more, but he knew she would worry about it.

„Alright, we're here, have fun Rin!" Y/n said, tiptoeing to peck Suna's lips.

„You too whatever you do." Suna smirked, embracing Y/n into a hug.

As they let go Y/n went her own way and Suna headed towards the house of the twins.

„Hey man, are you alright?" Osamu asked as he let Suna in, seeing his face.

„I actually want to talk with you about something." Suna said, sitting down.

„You got N/n pregnant?" Osamu joked and giggled, but as he saw that Suna wasn't laughing and not even showing any reaction he stopped, seeing it was serious.

„What's up? I'm here to listen." he said, sitting down.

„This girl i told you once about, Shenaya, she's back and after Y/n. I mean, she says if i still have contact with you guys she will hurt Y/n. And Y/n has a friend at a café named Kaito. As she went to the toilet today he sat down and told me that she doesn't need me and Kaito would take her away. A-and-"

Suna didn't even realise tears building up in his eyes and his voice getting raspy.

„H-he told me he would inform Shenaya. For fuck's sake i don't know what to do. I don't wanna lose Y/n but i don't wanna get her hurt. I could never forgive myself..." he said, fidgeting his fingers.

„Have you told her?" Osamu asked as he gave Suna a glass of water and time to calm down. Suna shook his head.

„She would worry about it really much and i can't go to her telling her that Kaito is..." Suna's eyes widened in shock. „Obsessed with her." Osamu ended Suna's sentence.

„Kaito is an old friend of Y/n. So she would never think he eventually loves her and would be ready to even harm her." Osamu said, thinking.

Suna nodded. „He said he would protect her but Y/n could read trough such kind of acting. She's smart." Suna said.

„This is bad, really bad." Osamu said, running a hand trough his hair.

„She probably told you about her obsessive ex." Osamu said, looking with his dark eyes at Suna. „Hm, she told me he is obsessive but she wasn't ready to tell me what had happened." he said.

„I need to tell you. Maybe Kaito and her ex have contact." Osamu said as he took a deep breath.

„Y/n's obsessive ex is Daisho from Nohebi. You probably already know that. The point is they dated for some years, as Y/n found out he was cheating on her since a very long time." he said.

„As she found out she talked with Daisho about it and wanted to leave him, but he didn't let her. He harmed her, even wanted to force her to sex, and so on..." his voice broke, mentally not ready to tell the story.

„He kidnapped her and keeped her in his house, his parents not knowing Y/n was in their house. She stayed there for a few weeks until she had fought (sorry idk what the past form of ‚fighting' is😭) him and could escape..." Osamu said, tearing up.

„She went trough all of this?" Suna asked, shocked and worried. Osamu nodded. „She said she wanted to forget about it and pretend like nothing happened. But we know it still hurts her. But i'm happy she had found you." Osamu said.

„But let me tell you one thing, even if i know you won't: If you'll hurt her in any way we'll chase you trough the whole world and hunt you down. I'm dead serious. We won't let that happen to her ever again." Osamu said, giving Suna a death stare.

He nodded, taking it serious. „But how what should we do now?" Suna asked. Osamu sighed. „We should wait, look at our surroundings and acting of other people and protect her. We need to wait..." Osamu said.

Suna nodded slowly, afraid he would lose her. „Thank you for your help..." he whispered, laying his head on the table.

An: Aaaand i'm back with another chapter!

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Have a nice day/night! 🩷✨

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