Chapter 18

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„Missed me, Y/n?~" the person took his hood off. Y/n stared shocked at the guy. „W-what are you doing here?" Y/n asked. „Only coming to visit my girl." the boy said satisfied. He took a step towards Y/n.

With his index and middle finger he lifted Y/ns face so she could look at him. „Oh how i can't wait to only have you for me alone. Don't worry, this will happen sooner than you think." the guy said, letting go of Y/ns face.

„You should go back to your team darling or else they're worried." the boy said. Y/n just looked as the boy turned around to climb out of the window. „And don't tell anyone or this will have consequences." the guy added, leaving.

Y/n took a deep breath before turning around and act as like nothing happened. Y/n went over to her bench again, sitting down. „Is everything alright?" the coach asked Y/n. Y/n just nodded and looked at the boys playing volleyball.

„Hey Y/n! What's up with you? You're more quiet today than ever." Mei said. Practice had ended and Y/n headed towards the classes. She had met Mei on the way and since they have the same classes they decided to walk together. „Could we talk at lunch?" Y/n asked.

„Yeah, of course." Mei said, nodding. The two of them entered their class and sat down. The teacher started teaching and Y/n didn't even focus. She took out her phone and became a message. Luckily her phone was on mute.

Bro you ain't focusing
on class either ik that
so let's chat

ugh fine,
you got me 🙄✋

What for class you having

Top ten things
you can do to
get detention

My dick is even
more interesting

Boy shut up, yo dick
so interesting it never
saw a pussy 🤨

Dayum i feel exposed 😥

Go cry bout it 🤫

I'm gonna and you can
listen to it when not
even be the one
where i'm crying on
the shoulder 🙄

Wait a damn minute

You just admitted you
still a virgin

Uh yuh?

Stop this giving
me ariana grande vibes 😭

Nah but fr i thought
you already banged
some girls here 😶

What else do you
think of me? 😭

You look like a fox 😔

Bitch what 😃

I look zero like a
mf fox 🙄

Nahh it has something

Ask the team 🙄

Nah too lazy 🤭

Lazy like my ass 🙄

Bro yo ass thick
asf how not be
lazy 🤨


anyway i need to
go, talk about that later
kskjskk 😭💀📸

Y/n lightly giggled as she put her phone away. In these days she grew close with Suna. Like very close. Y/n sometimes even wondered if it was normal to get this close in such a short amount of time.

The time flew by and it was time for lunch. Y/n remembered what had happened and her mood was getting lower again. She packed her things and looked at Mei who also seemed ready.

„Okay so about what did you want to talk about?" Mei asked as they headed towards the cafeteria. Y/n took a deep breath. „My ex came to school today..." Y/n said. „What? Like him? Are you sure?" Mei asked, worried. „Yeah, he even took his hood off. „And you sure it was him? Like a hundert percent?" „Yes. The same green hair, the same green eyes..." Y/n said.

„I swear to god if he talks to you again i will kill that grass haired snake!" Mei said, clenching her fist. „It's okay. Just please don't tell anyone that i told you." Y/n asked her friend. Mei nodded slowly. „This damn crazy guy! He goes clearly too far!" Mei said.

„Don't worry, we will figure out something." Mei said, hugging Y/n. Y/n looked around and saw the twins and Suna waiting for her. „Go to them. I will go and eat with my boyfriend." Mei said, whispering the last part. „Tell me everything after school." Y/n said while grinning.

Y/n went over to the table with the twins. Aran already joined their table and discussed with Osamu. Y/n sat down next to Suna. „Hey, do you have anything to eat?" Suna asked Y/n. Y/n giggled and pushed her bento box infront of Suna. He happily digged his chop sticks into the food.

„What for classes did you guys had?" Atsumu asked. Y/n didn't listen to the comversation. She looked at Mei and her boyfriend. It looked like they had much fun with eachother. „Hello Y/n, are you still here?" Aran asked Y/n. „Huh? Yeah, sorry..." Y/n said sightly smiling.

Aran nodded and went back to look at the twins fighting. „You sure? When you came out of out locker room you looked like you saw a ghost. Don't tell me you did it there..." Suna gasped. „What? No! You saw me walking in and out there? That doesn't matter know. I really did nothing nasty in there!" Y/n said. „Okay okay, i was just kidding. But why did you went in there?" Suna asked.

„Coach asked me to look if you guys closed the window." Y/n lied. „Uhuh..." Suna nodded while raising an eyebrow. „You know, you should focus more on class on don't be on your phone." Y/n changed the topic. „Oh shut it, your ass was on the phone too. You should focus on your classes more too." Suna said to Y/n.

Y/n rolled her eyes. „Wait. Back to that what you texted me. Are you looking at my ass?" Y/n asked remembering about what she has texted with Suna. „No! You just bend one time in the kitchen and i walked in." Suna shrugged. „Shut the fuck up. This is literally so embarassing." Y/n said while hitting her head on the table.

„Nah don't worry. We're like best friends so it doesn't really matter. Hey, shit happens. Okay anyway now tell me why you look over there. Isn't the girl over there your best friend? Who's the guy next to her? Damn, are they a couple?" Suna asked while looking over at Mei.

„Holy shit boy you notice things damn good." Y/n wondered. „I know, so are they a couple?" Suna asked. „Yeah they are." Y/n nodded. „Damn, i heard this guy had alot of fangirls. He even fucked one some weeks before." Suna said. „How do you know all of this shit?" Y/n asked. „Girl i'm the middle point of people gossiping. The persons only hear it from me." Suna said while grinning.

„I'm thinking about this trusting you thingy." Y/n said. „Don't worry. I'm just telling people secrets that i can't stand. You're my friend and we're living in the same house. Hey, your secret is safe with me." Suna said. Y/n chuckled lightly.

An: I'm sorry i haven't updated lately. This story is a complete chaos but whatever. Thank you guys so much for almost 200 reads! 😭🤧

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