Chapter 4

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Y/n woke up of the sound of her alarm. „Ugh, i hate mornings.." She said while getting out of bed. Today she will meet Suna and do this project with him. Y/n became a notification from her phone.

Hey wanna hang today?

Sorry can't, gotta meet up
with my partner bc of the
project 🫠

Alr, have fun!

„Will it be fun?" Y/n asked herself. She chose to wear something simple today but that she was still noticeable. (Imagine an outfit you'd wear) (Y'ALL HATING SO MUCH ON THE OUTFIT I WAS LIKE OKAY I'M SORRY 😭😭 Ngl i have a different style too.. I WROTE THIS STORY ONE YEAR AGO I'M SORRYYYY)

„Perfect" she said while checking her outfit. She took a look on her phone about the time. „It's time to go.." She said. Oh yeah! Suna will be a little late. The only question is what is a little to him..

„Oh! Look who decided to show up!" Y/n said angrily. „I waited for more than one hour! A little late, you said. Do you even know what a little late is? Like ten to twenty minutes!" She said glaring at the boy. „I never said what's a little late to me. You know, there are people that are more patient than the others." He said with a bored facial expression. Y/n scoffs at his words. „Yeah whatever, we can't go grab a drink now. Maybe after the work but we're already running late." Y/n said while dragging the boy into the library.

As they got into the library Suna took a seat, took out his airpods and started to listen to music. „The fuck are you doing?" Y/n asked him. „Listen here sweetie, i do not give a shit about this class and i don't care if i'll fail it. You're the one that doesn't want to fail it, am i right? So why don't you start with the project if you care so much about it." „You should give him a chance" or „I'm pretty sure he won't be that bad" ... these words were going trough Y/ns head. What did she even thought? The way he already texted was disgusting. Why would he be a better person? Y/n stood up, mumbled an „asshole" and got out of the library.

„Oh! If this isn't my favourite customer, Y/n L/n!" a happy voice said. Y/n walked to her favourite coffee shop where she would hang out a lot when she had a stressful day. The words that Suna had said before were going trough Y/ns head. Why did she even thought it would be working out? „Here you go, your f/d (favourite drink) it's on the house." Kaito, Y/ns friend, was smiling at her. „What's wrong?" he asked and sat down next to Y/n. She told him the whole story while Kaito was rubbing her back. Y/n has known Kaito for years now and they're pretty good friends. Y/n could always trust Kaito and he was always on her side. „Hm.. that sounds really.." Kaito was searching for the right word. „I know right? What should i do now? I do not even want to look into his face." Y/n said while taking a sip from her drink. „Just go home and relax today. I know how stressed you have been lately." Kaito said while standing up and waving Y/n a goodbye. „And if you need anyone to talk. Just text me!" He said. Y/n nodded at started heading home.

Ding! Y/n looked at her phone. It was Mai.

Anddd? how was it?

Never again

What? Why?

As i said, he's an asshole.
I'd rather kill myself than see
him ever again.

Lets facetime and tell
me everything.

„And then i was like ‚Asshole' and walked out of the library." Y/n said while putting on a face mask. „Wow, i didn't think he was such an asshole." Mei said. „I told you." Y/n said. „No you didn't, you just said you do not think anything of him." Mei said. „I did say that too but i told you that he's an asshole." Y/n rolled her eyes. „Yeah, yeah, anyway, i need to go now! Bye, goodnight!" Mei said and hung up. Y/n sighed. Ding! Another notification? Y/n took her phone that was laying on her table while she talked to Mei.

Lets meet up tomorrow


I want to make it up to you.
I was an asshole and i'm sorry
i just had some personal problems.

Yeah okay but i do not wanna
meet up. We are just gonna
forget the whole thing

Okay cool, see you tomorrow
at the skate park around 1 pm

„What the fuck?" Y/n said. „Whatever, i'm just gonna show up late just as he did." Y/n said while grinning.

„I thought that you would do that." Suna said while packing his phone away. „I don't know what you mean." Y/n said innocently. „Doesn't matter, what do you wanna do?" Suna asked Y/n while looking to the sky. Y/n shrugged. „Okay, i know a good coffee shop, let's go there and get to known to eachother." he said. Oh wow, maybe he's really sorry about that what happened yesterday.. Y/n thought while raising an eyebrow.

„And here's the drink for the young lady." a waitress said. She was like one year older than Y/n. „Uh hey, could we exchange numbers?" she asked Suna. Suna just nodded and typed his number into her phone. „If we're here to get to known better to your sex life then heck no thanks." Y/n said while taking a sip from her drink. „Well then you shouldn't hang out with me." Suna said while taking a look from his phone. Why would i even want to hang out with you? Y/n thought. Suddenly Sunas phone started ringin, he looked at the caller ID. „I need to take this, be right back in a few." he said while standing up and leaving the coffee shop.

An: I already have ideas on what should happen in this story and i can't wait to write them!
I'm sorry if there are grammar mistakes!

It would be nice if you would vote!
Have a nice day/night! 🤍✨

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