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With a surge of frustration and confusion, Chanyeol stormed into Jieun's room, demanding answers

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With a surge of frustration and confusion, Chanyeol stormed into Jieun's room, demanding answers. "Why did you post it?" he questioned, his voice filled with a mix of anger and hurt. Jieun appeared taken aback by his accusation, her expression reflecting surprise rather than the expected guilt.

"What post are you talking about?" she asked innocently, her tone laced with confusion. Chanyeol's gaze wavered, avoiding direct eye contact with her. He felt a pang in his heart at the sight of her, her pout making her look irresistibly adorable. But he quickly reminded himself that he needed to approach this situation with his rational mind, not let his foolish heart cloud his judgement.

Chanyeol proceeded to show her the damning post, expecting a confession or an explanation. However, he was met with genuine surprise in her eyes. "I didn't post this," she insisted, her voice tinged with frustration. Chanyeol couldn't ignore the sincerity in her tone, but he couldn't let himself believe so easily, not after the turmoil she had put him through.

"Don't lie to me, not after everything we've been through," Chanyeol retorted sharply, his words dripping with bitterness. Jieun let out a scoff, her expression a mix of annoyance and hurt. "If you don't believe me, then check my cell phone. I have no idea who would do such a thing," she asserted, her frustration evident in her voice. Chanyeol snatched the cell phone from her hands, his eyes scanning it for any evidence. To his surprise, Jieun was telling the truth. The post was nowhere to be found.

Before he could utter a word, Jieun interjected, her voice tinged with resignation. "If you think I deleted the post, it would still be in the news. I wouldn't go through such lengths to deceive you," she explained, her words hitting Chanyeol with a pang of guilt. He realised that someone was deliberately manipulating the situation, trying to tear them apart.

Jieun's gaze fell to the floor as she continued, "I think I know who would stoop so low to do this to you." Chanyeol's attention snapped back to her, his curiosity piqued. "Who?" he asked, his voice barely above a whisper. Jieun's voice was filled with a mix of sadness and certainty as she uttered the name, "Your brother, Jonghyun."

Chanyeol's mind whirled with conflicting thoughts as Jieun suggested that his stepbrother, Jonghyun, might be responsible for the malicious post. He struggled to reconcile this accusation with his memories of Jonghyun treating him well in the past. How could someone who had shown kindness and support suddenly turn against him?

Doubt clouded Chanyeol's eyes as he recalled moments spent with Jonghyun. They had shared laughter, secrets, and even confided in each other during difficult times. Jonghyun had never shown any signs of resentment or animosity towards him. Could it really be possible that his own stepbrother had orchestrated this elaborate scheme to destroy his reputation?

Chanyeol's mind swirled with conflicting thoughts as Jieun suggested that his stepbrother, Jonghyun, might be responsible for the malicious post. He found it difficult to accept this accusation, as his memories of Jonghyun were filled with kindness and support. How could someone who had treated him well suddenly turn against him in such a destructive way?

"I can't believe it," Chanyeol said firmly, his voice laced with disbelief. "Jonghyun has always been there for me. We've had our differences, but he has never shown any inclination to harm me. I refuse to believe he would stoop to this level." His heart clenched at the thought of his stepbrother betraying him.

Jieun understood his scepticism and respected his perspective. She knew it was challenging to question the intentions of someone he had considered family. With a gentle sigh, she replied, "I understand your hesitation, Chanyeol. It's hard to imagine someone we trust turning against us. But sometimes, people change, and hidden resentments can surface unexpectedly."

Chanyeol's mind was filled with uncertainty as he considered Jieun's words. He wanted to believe her, to trust her judgement, but the doubts persisted. The idea of his stepbrother being the mastermind behind his downfall seemed far-fetched, an unwelcome betrayal from within his own family.

The media frenzy surrounding the scandal only added to Chanyeol's confusion. Reporters seized every opportunity to sensationalise the story, focusing on Chanyeol's fame and fortune as proof of his guilt. The public, swayed by the relentless media coverage, joined in the chorus of voices demanding his punishment. They claimed that Chanyeol had scarred Jieun and that she had finally found the courage to expose him. The pressure mounted, making it even more challenging for Chanyeol to decipher the truth amidst the chaos.

Amidst the accusations and condemnation, Chanyeol found himself torn between conflicting emotions. He longed for the truth to be revealed, to clear his name and restore his reputation. But he couldn't shake off the doubts that lingered in his mind, casting shadows on the accusations against his stepbrother.

As the chapter drew to a close, Sehun's inquiry lingered in the air, leaving Baekhyun startled and Chanyeol grappling with his own convictions. The journey ahead was uncertain, and Chanyeol knew he had to unravel the tangled web of deception to find the real culprits and prove his innocence.

With a determined yet cautious spirit, Chanyeol vowed to uncover the truth, no matter where it led him. He couldn't fully trust Jieun's suspicions, but he knew he had to remain open-minded and consider all possibilities. The search for justice and redemption had only just begun, and Chanyeol was prepared to face the challenges head-on, regardless of where they would lead him.

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