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Jieun found herself thrown into a dimly lit prison cell. The guards handling her were rough, pushing her forcefully, causing her to whimper in pain. Frustrated by their disrespect, she spoke up, "Hey, can't you show some respect? I'm a woman, and I deserve to be treated better!" However, her words fell on deaf ears as the guards paid no attention to her pleas, eventually locking the door behind her.

Amidst the gloom, Jieun heard a deep voice, catching her attention. She looked up to see Chanyeol, who appeared badly beaten, with blood staining his face. He looked like a creature from a horror movie, perhaps a vampire, with his dishevelled appearance.

Jieun cautiously approached Chanyeol, finding him in a state resembling that of a drunk person after a violent altercation. She gingerly touched his bruised cheeks, causing him to groan in pain, startling her.

"What do you think you're doing?" Chanyeol's voice, hoarse from the ordeal, made Jieun flinch. She quickly apologised, expressing her remorse, "Are you okay? I'm so sorry. This all happened because of me, and now you're suffering too. I'm truly sorry." Her gaze fixed on the ground as she spoke, feeling guilty for the situation.

"I'm glad you recognize that you're to blame," Chanyeol retorted sarcastically, rolling his eyes. He seemed bitter and guarded, not easily convinced by her words.

Jieun quietly took a seat beside Chanyeol, leaning against the cold prison wall. She spoke softly, her voice barely above a whisper, "Actually, I was drugged, but it wasn't you who did it. You must know that. Someone else was responsible." Her eyes remained downcast, filled with a mix of regret and vulnerability.

"I lied. It wasn't because they told me to lie. It was because I was naive and believed their words," Jieun confessed with a heavy sigh. She continued, acknowledging her own foolishness, "I know I acted stupidly, but when I finally told the truth, it seemed futile."

Chanyeol's gaze slowly shifted towards Jieun. She appeared genuine now, stripped of her earlier facade of strength and confidence. She seemed fragile, on the verge of tears.

Their brief connection was interrupted by the guard, who entered the cell and informed Chanyeol, "Excuse me, Mr. Baekhyun has come to meet you."


Baekhyun's concern was evident as he approached Chanyeol, asking, "Are you alright?" Chanyeol nodded in response, conveying his state of being. "That Jieun girl has been imprisoned as well," Chanyeol shared with surprise.

Baekhyun's eyes widened in shock. "Really?! But why?" he exclaimed, his voice filled with disbelief. "Is it because she told the truth?"

Chanyeol nodded slowly, confirming Baekhyun's suspicion. "Forget about her. We don't need her anyway," Chanyeol said dismissively. As he held Baekhyun's hands, his eyes locked with his friend's, he made a heartfelt plea, "Please, Baekhyun, help me. I'm innocent."

Baekhyun, moved by the sincerity in Chanyeol's gaze and the desperation in his voice, felt a surge of determination. He reassured his friend, "I believe you, Chanyeol. We'll find a way to prove your innocence together. You're not alone in this."

With a renewed sense of purpose, Chanyeol and Baekhyun began strategizing their next moves, aiming to gather evidence, uncover the truth behind the setup, and expose those responsible for Chanyeol's wrongful imprisonment. The road ahead wouldn't be easy, but their unwavering bond and shared resolve gave them strength and hope.

Baekhyun looked at Chanyeol with a mixture of concern and determination. He could see the desperation in his friend's eyes and felt a sense of responsibility towards him.

"I believe you, Chanyeol," Baekhyun said firmly, gripping his friend's hands in return. "We'll find a way to prove your innocence. I won't let you face this alone."

Chanyeol's expression softened, grateful for Baekhyun's support. "Thank you, Baekhyun. I knew I could count on you."

Baekhyun nodded, his mind already racing with possible strategies. "First, we need to gather any evidence that can prove you were framed. We'll need to uncover who is behind all this and expose their motives."

Chanyeol's battered face formed a determined expression. "I'll do whatever it takes to clear my name. I won't let them destroy my life."

Baekhyun gave Chanyeol an encouraging smile. "We'll start by talking to Jieun. If she has any information that can help us, we need to hear it. Together, we can fight for justice."

Chanyeol nodded in agreement. "Let's make a plan and be prepared for any obstacles that come our way. We can't afford to lose any more time."

Baekhyun squeezed Chanyeol's hands reassuringly. "Don't worry, my friend. We'll get through this together. We'll find the truth and bring those responsible to justice."

With renewed determination, Chanyeol and Baekhyun began plotting their next steps, determined to uncover the truth and prove Chanyeol's innocence. They knew it wouldn't be easy, but their unwavering bond and shared resolve gave them the strength to face the challenges ahead.

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