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The nurse walks through the door and brings him something to eat, "he will be able to leave tomorrow." She states, I smile, "thank you." I reply, she smiles and leaves.

Felix begins eating, "you guys should go get something to eat." He suggests, Chan stands up, "I'll go get some food." I nod, he grabs his phone and the car keys, he kisses me, "be careful." I state, he smiles and leaves.

"Does your mom know about the relationship?" I shake my head in fear, "absolutely not." He takes a bite of his sandwich, "do you plan on telling her?" I shrug and sigh, "even if I do, she won't approve and I'll probably get beaten to death," I sigh, "it's a big thing for her." I continue, "if she didn't approve, would you still date him?" Felix asks taking a sip from his drink, I nod without hesitation, "of course. Without a doubt." Felix hums, "Y/N," I look at him, "Chan won't break your heart. Trust me. You're his first love." I smile, "he's mine too." He smiles.

He gently pushes me, "yah. Why didn't you tell me you could speak Korean?" I chuckle, "I like to eavesdrop on people." He laughs, "did you eavesdrop on anyone while you were here?" I laugh, nodding. Thinking about the memory where Chan was on a call with Hyunjin, "tell mee." He sits up.

"It was when I first came, I was sitting on the couch, watching TV. Then Chan walks out on a call with Hyunjin," he laughs, "he was complaining about how he was paired up with a girl and shit. Hyunjin then asked, "is she cute" and Chan swore him off," I burst out laughing, "it's funny now that I think about it." He laughs, "I can imagine. When did you tell Chan?"

"I told him the night we started dating. We were both mad at each other, we had a comfort spot for the both of us. So, I was sad, and went there to find Chan also there," Felix leans in interested, "I liked him, and he liked me, but I told him that he should move on from me because I was scared to love and I was useless." I shrug and sigh, "yeah. Just a lot." He hums.

"I realized how much I missed out on." He states, I chuckle, "I'm assuming Chan told you about his side of his life." I nod, "he did. He also told me about Seungmin and Minho." Felix chuckles, "you'll meet them in Busan. They're really nice, Minho takes a while to warm up around people but Seungmin will treat you like his sister." I smile, "I already meet them." He gasps, I continue to laugh, he gets comfy waiting for me to tell the story.

"I went out at night to get some ice cream." He furrows his brows, "alone?" I nervously chuckle, "yeah. I was walking back home when a guy put a cloth over my mouth and I passed out," Felix sits up covering his mouth in shock, "then he was about to rape me when I saw him get punched by someone and I became unconscious." Felix widens his eyes, "this is getting tense." He states, I laugh and nod.

"I woke up in a car and saw Seungmin sitting in the driver's seat as Minho was seated in the backseat in the middle. I was scared of them thinking they'll rape me too but they just wanted to take me home safely. So they took me to my dorm and even walked me there and that's when we all met and Chan introduced me to them." Felix claps in amazement, "now that was an amazing story." I laugh.

"But Y/N aren't you so tired with all this drama and abuse?" I fidget with the end of his blanket, "always," I sigh, "I'm drained... and scared." He gives a sympathetic smile, "sorry." I shake my hand, "it's fine really. I just need to graduate, get my own apartment and pray I'll be happy from there." I state continuing to play with his blanket, "where are you planning to get your apartment?" I sit up, "Busan. While we're there in Busan, Chan said he'll help me look for one," Felix hums, "he'll be moving in with me too." Felix gasps, I smile thinking about it, "that's great!" My smile widens.

He holds my hand, "Y/N," I look up at him, "you're a really good person." I give him a soft smile, "thank you Felix." He grins.

He removes his hands and so do I, and just in time. Chan walks in with the food.

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