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We reached home and place the packets on the counter, just in time the door knocks.
I was greeted by red hair, "Hyunjin? What happened to your hair?" He smiles, "I wanted to dye it red, nice right?" I smile, I look at Felix, "Lix? What's wrong?" He hold his hip, "my hip is paining." I hold his hand, "okay, here," I hold out my arm for him, he throws his arm around my neck as I hold his waist.

"What happened to Felix?" I gently place him on the couch, "his hip is paining." He nods, he turns to Hyunjin, "nice hair." Hyunjin smiles.

I sit next to Felix worried, "do you wanna go to the doctor?" He shakes his head, "no I'm fine. It's probably just a bruise." I sigh, "are you hungry?" He nods, "okay Chan will be out with the food." He lets out a soft smile, "did you vomit or anything?" He nods, "Felix. I think you should really go see a doctor." He shakes his hand, "I'm fine, it'll be gone my tomorrow." I flash my brows, "hopefully."

We all are eating now, "Y/N and I are going to Busan." Chan states, I hum and smile, "ooh. When?" Hyunjin asks, "Thursday." He nods, "who else is going?" Felix questions, "Seungmin and Minho." They both nod, Felix closes his eyes from the pain, me and Chan look at him in sympathy, "I'm fine guys don't worry. It's just a little pain." Chan sighs, "Lix, if you're not going to the doctor by Wednesday. We're taking you to the one." Felix nods.

I look at Hyunjin, "who made you dye your hair red?" He smiles and shrugs, "I thought it'll look good. Do you like it?" I hum, "it's cute." He smiles, "I told Felix to dye his hair black, it'll suit him." I glance at Felix, "yeah it would. Let's think about it after he recovers though." Hyunjin hums.

The boys left, now it was just Chan and I.

We are now seated on the couch looking for something to watch, "how long are we staying in Busan for?" I hand him the remote, "for a 4 days." I nod, "if you don't mind but while we're there, can we look for apartments?" He smiles, "of course." I smile, "thank you for everything." I lay my head on his shoulder, he pulls me closer to him, "anything for you." And he lays his head on top of mines.

I open my room door and throw myself on my bed, I crouch my legs holding my hip, "shit man." Hyunjin walks into my room, "is it that bad?" I groan, "no it's fine. Could you please just get me some pain killers?" He hums and leaves.

Not long after, he arrives, "here." I immediately drink the pill and had him back the glass, "thanks." He smiles and closes the door behind him. I sigh and hold my head.
My eyes slowly closes, my heart races, my throat closes up, I try looking around, it's blurry. Everything goes black.

"Chan I'm bored," I whine, "what should we do." I continue to whine. He leans in, kissing me, it went on for 2 minutes, he lets go, "how about we go shopping?" I smile, "perfect." He pecks my lips, "let's go get dressed."

I slowly open my eyes, "huh?" I sit up, I groan at the pain, fuck now I have a headache too.

'Did I take a nap?'

I hold my hair, "what the fuck is going on?!" I lick my dry lips.

'I need water.'

I stand up holding the wall again making my way to the kitchen, "oh you're awake." I didn't respond.

I grab a bottle of water and gulp some down, "Felix. Do you wanna watch a movie?" I shake my head, "sorry Hyunjin but imma go take another nap. I have a headache." He hums, "sure."

We reach the mall, "what do you want first?" Chan asks me, "ice cream." He smiles and kisses my temple, he slides his hands around my waist as I do the same.

I reach the ice cream place, and Chan and I ordered our flavour, as we were waiting, I heard someone call my name, "Y/N?" Me and Chan turned around, it was eunwoo from my seventh grade class, we both used to eat lunch together until he moved.

"Eunwoo?" He smiles, "hey!" He goes in for a hug, "hey! How've you been?" He nods, "well! What about you?" I smile, "good." He moves his attention to Chan, "hi, nice to meet you. I'm Cha Eunwoo." He shakes Chan's hand, "I know, nice to meet you too." Eunwoo raises his brow, "oh, Eunwoo. This is Bangchan from our class."

He gasps, "Chan, what's up man. How's mom?" Chan glares at him, as Eunwoo glares back, "o...kay. Uhm, sorry we have to go-" he cuts me off, "I see you guys are dating." Chan nods, "Y/N, had the biggest crush on you." Chan hums, "I know." He numbly says.

Eunwoo awkwardly nods, "okay then. It was nice seeing you Y/N." He hugs me, he looks at Chan, "Bangchan." He touches his shoulders.

The two of us walk away grabbing our ice cream, "what was that about?" He takes a bite of his ice cream and puts the small spoon down back in the cup, "I hated him and he hated me. We were friends at first and I told him about my mom and stuff, and now he's asking me how mom is?" He scoffs. I rub his back, "it's okay. We move on, we won't see him again." He scoffs, "and he had a crush on you." I shot my head at him, "really?! Me?"

He looks at me, "wow." He sighs, "do you still miss him?" I furrow my brows, "Eunwoo?" He nods, "in what way?" He shrugs, I look at him for a while then realise something, I stopped walking, "are you jealous?" He shoots his head at me, "no." I laugh, "aww Mr. Bangchan is jealous." I coo, "no! I'm not. I'm asking a question!"

Suddenly someone walks up, "Bangchan?" I turn to the person, Lia.

'Why is our whole school here??'

"Oh Lia. Hey, how are you?" She smiles and hugs him, I secretly roll my eyes, "good. What about you?" He smiles, "good." She looks at me, "oh. I know you. (Korean name)?" I awkwardly nod, "yep." She nods, "hm. You're dating her?" She turns to Chan, "yeah we are." She gasps, "wow. Look at you, dating your crush?"

'Was is that obvious?'

"Uhh yeah. Nice seeing you, but we have to go. Bye."

And I pull Chan walking with him, "who's jealous now?" He laughs, "shut up. I hated her." He laughs, I let go of him, "Y/N." He whines, "I don't like her." I continue to eat my ice cream, he holds my hand but I remove my hand pretending I needed it to eat my ice cream, "come on!"

He stops walking and he stops me from walking, "look, do you trust me?" I didn't say anything and just looked at him, I nod, "then. I don't like her. I love you." I sigh, "okay." He hums, "now it's your turn." I furrow my brows, "for what?" He continues to still look at me then I realise, I put my hand on his cheek, "I don't like Eunwoo. I love you." He smiles and kisses you.

"Where next?" I ask him, "movies?" I hum, "fuck yeah."

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