Chapter 46

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(Jaylin's pov)

"Jaylin....'s time to get up" my mom says, rubbing the back of her knuckles on my cheek.

"Huh?....what time is it?"

"8:00 am, you over slept"

"Sorry....I was up super late and--"

"Nevermind that, c'mon your breakfast will get cold"

I open my eyes and look around. I'm back at my childhood home.

"What? You okay?" She asked, a puzzle look etched on her face.

"Yeah....I just really missed you"

She smiles and throws her arms around me, squeezing me tightly "awww! I missed you too bud! When your dad said you could no longer sleep in bed with us, it broke my heart"

Yeah .... Mine too

She takes me by the hand "come on sweetheart, lets go eat" she helps me onto my feet then pats my messy hair down with a smile "and after breakfast, we'll do something about this bed head"

She leads me to my bedroom door, with a hand still on my head, she opens the door and we step into that room....the smell of blood is so strong and it's so cold. Dead bodies everywhere. I look around, noticing I'm now alone.

"No....NO NO!"

I gasp awake and look around frantically. I'm completely drenched. I've never been so relieved.

I go to the bathroom and splash water on my face. Maybe I should call Xena, maybe she really is innocent.


(Jude pov)

I don't have classes for a week since two of my professors went missing. Everyone at BA is saying they ran away together but I don't know, why would two full grown adults need to run away together? It just doesn't make any sense.

Anyway, I'll be home with my mom for the whole week helping out and hanging with Shi now that I have all this free time.

I pull into the garage then enter the house, "I'm home!"

"Did you close up the shop?"

"What?! You said that you would"

"Oh my goodness, Jude! Go close up! Now!"


"Fine, but you said you would "

*At the shop*

Alright, the shop is locked up airtight and nothing was stolen from the shop. There was a delivery though, just a small plain cardboard box with a CD in it. Like.....who even still uses these?!

As soon as I got home i put the CD into my laptop and pressed play. It's a video of Xena and Elektra. They're just staring into the camera with horrified looks on their faces.

"Holy hell...." Electra says, seemingly holding her breath and fanning the air.

"Smile.... you're on camera" a robotic woman says.

Electra flips the camera off then Xena slams the lid shut, on whatever the camera is sitting in.

The screen is pure black and I can still hear Xena's muffled voice.

"Find out who did this and report back to me"

"Right away ma'am!" They replied

Then the video stops.

What ....the fuck is this?

I re-watched the video, over and over. Every time I notice something new, by the end of the night my mind wouldn't rest.

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