Chapter 27

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(Xena's pov)

He's so cute.

He gets embarrassed easily.

The whole ride home his face was red and he stared at his feet.

When we pulled up in front of Bolt Academy there were lots of people standing around. They started pointing and whispering, some even took pictures.

"Oh my gosh" he said slumping down in his seat.

"Do you want me to make them leave?"

"No! Don't cause a scene!"

"Okay, then what do you want to do?"

"I don't know, just...drop me off up the street, I'll walk back"

"That's ridiculous"

"Well, we don't really have any options"

A guy walks out of the crowd and waves.

"Do you know him?" I ask.

He uncovers his eyes and looks out of the window, "oh God, yes I unfortunately do"

The guy walks to the passenger side and knocks on the window. Shiloh rolls the window down "I know you don't want to walk through the crowd alone, let's go together" the guy says.

"Okay, let's hurry before more people show up. Goodbye Xena". He reached for the door and I grabbed his wrist.

"Am I picking you up or are we meeting for dinner later?"

"Oh, right. I guess you're gonna have to pick me up, it's already 6pm I don't think I'll make it in time if I have to walk"

"Alright, I'll see you at 8. Okay?"

"Okay, I'll see you then"


(Jude's pov)

Shiloh got out of the car and we walked through the crowd. After we made it to my dorm I immediately started asking questions.

"Dinner?! You two are having dinner again tonight?!"

"Yeah. I haven't talked to her in so long, I wanted to catch up"

"Does Sky know about this?"

"Oh shit! I was supposed to go see her today. She still hasn't called me and I know she's upset so I was going to bring her flowers and try to make up with her"

"So....why were you with Xena?"

"That girl from the video; Elektra was harassing me again and Xena made her stop. After that I wanted to ask her if she'd seen the video and if she could find out who posted it and make them take it down"

"She saved you again?"

"Yeah. I don't know why that girl hates me"

"So did Xena find out who posted it?"

"No, she just told me not to worry and that it'll die down soon"

"See I told you"

"Yeah. You did"

"So....are you going to tell Sky that you're going out with Xena? She's going to be pissed"

"I know! But if I don't tell her it'll seem like the rumors are true"

"I don't think she's gonna be okay with this. You know how she is, maybe you should just cancel your dinner plans"

"But....I don't want to" he sounds a little stressed out, maybe he should just break up with Sky if he wants to keep Xena as a friend so bad.

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