Chapter 26

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(Xena's pov)

What the fuck is her problem? She's always being weird, it's annoying as hell.

"Sorry, my friend is....yeah, you can continue shopping now" I said turning to leave.

"Wait" he grabbed my hand with both of his. He looked into my eyes and actually held the eye contact this time.

"What's up?"

"Can we talk? It's important"

Fuck. What did Elektra tell him?

"Sure, I have time"

"Not here. Let's go somewhere private" he led me out of the store.

After walking for a minute, I began to think he couldn't find a private place to talk.

" you want to just talk in my car?"

"Yeah, let's do that"


We sat in the car in silence for a while. His cheeks are flushed and he's fidgety. Is this making him uncomfortable?

"So...what did you want to talk about?"

"Oh! Right! I uh....well....have you seen the video?"

"Of you and Elektra? Yeah, it's trending"

"Everyone is saying that you and I are dating because you came to help me. They even have pictures and videos of us walking together, eating together and riding in your car together"

"Yeah, it's what they do. It's okay, people will stop talking about this in about a month or so. Don't worry too much about it"

"My best friend said the same thing. I wanted to ask you if there was any way you could have that video taken down? I don't want my girlfriend to see it"

"I cannot. Sorry."

"It's okay, I was just asking"

"is.... Sky your girlfriend?"

I already know the answer to this. I just wanted to confirm it.

"Yeah. You saw the way she acted at dinner that night and we weren't even dating at the time. Now that we're official she's gotten even more possessive" he said with tears on his voice.

I guess he's really stressed out about this.

"That sounds suffocating, I'm sorry"

He looks like he rushed to get ready this morning, his hair is really messy. I took his bun down and combed his hair with my fingers. His hair is so thick and it has a healthy shine. It smells natural, like he uses an unscented shampoo.

"Oh gosh, do I look bad? I didn't have enough energy to get dressed up today" he said.

"No. You're beautiful. You always are" I neatly put his bun back up on the top of his head "there. All done".

"Thank you" he said.

Silence fell over us again but this time it wasn't awkward. We just sat there in comfortable silence for a while.

"Are we still on for tonight" he asks.

"Well yeah, but you said you're low on energy. Maybe you should just rest up."

"No! I was actually looking forward to dinner tonight. I think having dinner and catching up will make me feel better"

I smile mischievously "are you saying I give you energy Shiloh?"

He laughs "yeah. I guess I am.". He smiles playfully at me and I could feel my heartbeat accelerate.

What's wrong with me?!

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