Chapter 37

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(Shiloh's pov)

It's been a few days and this break up is finally starting to feel real. I can't stop crying, I look like shit and my eyes and nose are puffy.

I've been sitting in the house for days watching 'love, day by day', I'm nearly done with the second season. The episodes aren't that long so I'm sure I'll finish by next month.

I can't believe she won't pick up my calls, I just want to know why we're breaking up.

I stopped by her shop a few days ago but she wasn't there. I don't want to give up on us, but I want to give her some space. Maybe she needs it.

My phone rings on the dresser and I rush over to it. Hoping Sky is returning my call, it's an unknown number....

I declined the call and ploped down onto my bed, then the phone rang again.

It's the same number, who can it be? I answered the phone "hello?" I said, frustrated.


"Mom?! How are you calling me?!"

"From the hotel phone"

"What hotel?"

"I don't know, some super fancy one. They give foot massages and three meals a day! Breakfast is to die for"

"How are you at a hotel right now? Where'd you get the money?"

She sipped her drink loudly "mm mmm mmm! That's one damn good mimosa!"


"Oh! Xena paid for it a while ago. At first I was really uncomfortable but then I tried to think about the last time I was waited on hand and foot and couldn't think of one time. So I decided to allow myself to be treated like the goddess I am but I got a bit carried away and forgot I had a kid"


"Yeah, sorry. But feel free to swing by here whenever you can, but once you get here it's going to be hard to leave. I promise you that"

"Good bye mom, enjoy roleplaying as a single rich woman with no children"

"Guilt tripping me won't work, I'm way too happy. Oh! The hotel's name is The Val Inn, Come by and let's talk"

"Okay, I'm on my way"


(Xena's pov)

It's been days and I still can't get the thought of Shiloh resting his head on my chest out of my mind. I feel like a love sick teenager, it's so ridiculous.

No matter what I'm doing I'm thinking about it. He's calls me casually now, I guess he really considers me a friend. If I'm being honest Elektra is the only real friend I have, so it's nice to have Shiloh around now. Elektra is so cold and a little underhanded, but she has a really sweet side to her that only I have seen. As for Shiloh....he....He warms my heart, he's sweet all the time. I'm glad I'm friends with both of them, if I can get them to get along that'd be wonderful.

I pulled up to my office and my team was waiting on the curb for me.

Ugh. I'm back to this boring routine, listening to business proposals and drinking cheap coffee. Things changed after I met Shiloh.



(Jaylin's pov)

Nothing's happened and I'm really starting to think no one knows that I've seen what I saw. I should still keep my guard up, but I'll continue with my every day routine like I did before I attended the party.

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