Chapter 22

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(Jude's pov)

"A little bit to the right" Shiloh yelled

I moved the sign over just a bit "how about now?"

"That's perfect! Hold still"

He hammers a nail into the wall, holding the sign in place. I stepped down from the ladder and took a few steps back to get a better look.

"It's beautiful. Thanks to me"

He rolls his eyes "is there anything else to do?"

"Nope! We just have to wait for the guests to arrive, that's it"

"Do you think they'll come? It's already 8:00 pm"

"Trust me Shi (pronounced:Shy), they'll show up. It's a party" I said massaging his shoulders "relax....calm down....and chill"

"Okay, fine. I'm just a bit nervous"

"About what?! I told everyone I knew about this party! Trust me, we're going to have a full house tonight"

"I hope you're right"


At about 9:30ish people started showing up, they brought alcohol and lots of it. I really hope it doesn't get too crazy tonight, I'm not trying to get kicked out.

After about 15 people showed up I decided to play some music and everyone danced, drank and started to let loose.

Shiloh on the other hand seemed scared or lost, he's such a weirdo. I walked over to him and put a hand on his shoulder "dude, you look like a creep. What's wrong?"

"I just....I don't know. I don't know anyone here, they're all your friends"

"So go get to know them, loosen up and relax. Tell them it's your birthday and have a few shots. It's a party!"

"I know but...."

"Come on, let's dance" I said leading him to the dance floor.


(Shiloh's pov)

I'm standing here in the middle of the dancefloor while everyone is dancing and having a good time and I'm starting to realize that partying isn't really my thing.

"Dude. Dance!" Jude says before disappearing into the crowd of strangers.

"Hey! You are so beautiful, do you want to dance?" some random drunk guy asks

"No sorry, not interested"

"Aww come on, just one dance"

"No, I'm good. Enjoy the rest of your night" I say quickly walking off.

I was walking so quickly that I bumped into a girl on the dancefloor.

"Sorry! Are you okay?" I asked. She smiled sweetly at me.

"Yeah...... you're a guy?!"

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