Chapter 29

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(Shiloh's pov)

I called Sky and she wouldn't answer. Maybe she hasn't added my number to her contact list yet? I hope she's not ignoring me.

I hear a knock at my door. Is Xena here already?! What time is it?!

I rush to the door and open it "'s you" I said.

Jude looks at me from head to toe "why are you so dressed up? Are we going somewhere super fancy or are you just getting cute for Xena?"

"What?! No! I just haven't worn this outfit yet"

He looks at me suspiciously, " why did you do your makeup so glamorously?"

"I just got this shimmer palette for my birthday and I wanted to use it, that's all"

"Hmmm.....okay. I guess I'll let it slide" he said.

About 30 minutes later we heard a knock on the door and I rushed to open it. "Sorry I'm late, You look nice" Xena says.

"Oh, thank you" I said. I don't know what's wrong with me today but her compliments are embarrassing me more than usual.

"Are you two ready to go?" she asks.

"Yeah, I'll just get my shoes and bag hold on" I say running into my room.


(Jude's pov)

I walked to the door and slipped my shoes on "hi, I'm Jude. I'm Shiloh's best friend" I said initiating a handshake.

"Nice to meet you Jude. I'm Xena" she Said shaking my hand.

"Yeah....I know". Her eyes are really intense, like they're looking right through me. Her presence is intimidating and bold. She's as cold as ice too.

Shiloh returns and walks past both of us "come on I'm starving!" He said skipping down the outdoor corridor.

She smiled warmly and followed him, I followed close behind.


I got into Xena's Vola and I was completely blown away. It's so nice in here, I feel like I'm sitting in a space ship! My mouth hung open in amazement and Shiloh laughed.

"Wait until she starts driving! The view is amazing at night!" he said.


(Xena's pov)

I turned my Vola on and we slowly left the ground. As we got higher and higher Jude got more and more excited.

"This car is literally the greatest invention in the world!"

"See, I told you! I love her car so much!"

"Back up shi! This car is literally my soulmate!"

The boys go back and forth for a while before inviting me to play games with them. We only had time to play 'I-spy' and 'would you rather' before we got to our destination.

"This is the place?" I asked. The restaurant looks luxurious and expensive, can Shiloh afford this?

"Yep. I looked it up and it has really good reviews"

"I don't think I can even afford to breathe in this place! Why'd you choose this spot?" Jude says.

"Don't worry I'll pay for you"

"You're treating both of us?" I ask.

He nods his head "mhm, come on". He gets out of the car and heads to the restaurant.

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