Chapter 43

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(Jude's pov)

I unlock the door to my dorm and enter. It's eerie as hell in here. The windows are completely covered and it's pitch black, the only light source is from light above the oven in the kitchen.

I stood in front of the door, ready to run out if anything weird happened for about 5 minutes.

I take a deep breath and began taking slow cautious steps. I get to my room door and open it slowly, then peeked inside to make sure no one was there.

"O-oh.... you're home" a voice from behind spoke and I could feel the hair on the back of my neck stand. A chill went through my body and I was covered in goosebumps, completely stiffened I just stood there in my bedroom doorway.

"I haven't seen you in days" he chuckled

I turned around and smiled "yeah .... I've been with my best friends..."

"Oh, cool....."

This is so awkward.

"Well, I'll let you unpack. I'm glad you're home" he smiles weakly before turning and walking down the dark hallway.

He looks dead, inside and out. What the fuck happened to him?


(Jaylin's pov)

I just woke up screaming again, I'm drenched in sweat and my whole body is shaking.

I ran to the toilet and hurled, emptying out everything I've consumed today.

I need to get my shit together. I'm so exhausted....I just want to sleep.

Suddenly someone starts banging loudly on my bedroom door and I completely freeze up.

This is it.... they've finally come to kill me....

All because I stumbled upon something I had no business seeing....

That's how life is....I should just accept it.

As I slowly approach the door and all I can think about is my dad and how he's going to feel, after he finds out he lost another son. How devastating this'll be for him.

I unlock the door and open it.

"Are you okay?!" Jude asks, his eyes as big as silver dollars. He's completely out of breath.

"Yeah, I'm so sorry.....I just---" I look at him from head to toe and take in his appearance. He's completely soaked with a hair full of suds, and he's wrapped in a towel

He follows my gaze, then blushes "I-I I heard you scream and I rushed out of the shower to see if you needed help....."

"Oh, I'm sorry. Just a bad dream. That's all" I reassure him, flashing the most convincing smile I can muster up "go finish your shower, okay?"

"Okay...." He says, then he cautiously turned around and walked off.

If there ever was a chance that we'd end up together, there definitely isn't one anymore.


(Xena's pov)

"Still nothing?" I ask, halfheartedly. I already know the answer.

"Not a damn thing" Elektra responds

"Well what did your dad say?"

"He's still trying to pinpoint your dad's location, he says this is a lot deeper than we thought and that you should stop looking into it....he said leave this alone"

"He wants me to just sit around while my dad is in a foreign country, possibly being tortured? Yeah, no"

"Xena, I've never seen my dad genuinely afraid before.....I think you should take his advice. Mr. Bolt is my dad's childhood friend, he's not going to abandon him. Let him deal with this"

I let a moment of silence pass, then I groan "I'll give him three months....that's it"

"That's fair. Anyway, I have good news"

"Lay it on me"

"I was able to get bodycam footage from one of your guys that was at Lance's party that day"

I sit up in my seat "send it over!"

A notification pops up on my computer and I immediately click it.

"Did you get it?"


In the video my men are talking about the awful shit they found while they were snooping around and how this was the last job they'd ever do. They were both looking through some paperwork, but the lighting on the stairwell was bad and I couldn't make out what it said on the paper. All of a sudden they hear footsteps and immediately chase after the person who was snooping on them.....

"No fucking way....." I speak under my breath


"Electra, get over"

"On my way" she hangs up and I sit my phone down on the desk.

I stare at the screen in disbelief, as my men chase Jayden through the halls of Lance's estate.

He definitely knows something, and he's going to tell me everything he knows.

*1 hour later*

Electra bursts into my office and sits down "what'd you find?"

"Jaylin. The man in the video is Jaylin"

"Your dad's friend's son?"

"Yeah....that Jaylin"

"You think his dad had him spying on us? He's one of the names on that weird list"

"You're right....I'm not sure, we need to get answers out of him somehow"

"I know exactly how" she smiles widely

"No.... we're not torturing him..."

"Why not?!"

I close my eyes and think for a while.

"Ugh....let's find his dorm"

She smiles and walks around my desk, watching as I look up his information.

Block A, room 2007, roommate Jude Miller.

"No fucking way....." I say


"I was planning on just going to the dorm but my best friend is his roommate....I don't want him involved in this"

"So tell him not to get involved?"

"It's not that simple"

"How come?"

"Drop it. We'll just keep an eye on him for now....send your best men to keep look out"

She rolls her eyes "fine.... I'll make the call now" she says, leaving the room.

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